Letter to Insurance Company for IVF with PGD?


New member
Hi everyone, My husband and I are both CF carriers, which we found out when expecting our daughter. She (thankfully) does not have CF. We are now thinking of having a second child, and would like to try IVF with PGD. The largest hurdle (at least to start with!) is that our insurance covers IVF only for infertility. Because of this we will need to submit a request to them on a special consideration basis. I'd like to write a letter to them myself, along with what the IVF clinic will be submitting. I'd like the letter to somehow show the insurance company how much cheaper it would end up being for them to cover IVF for us, rather than caring for an infant/child/adult with CF (since insurance companies seem most interested in the dollar and cents aspect of everything). The problem is, I have no idea where to begin to pull this information from! Have any of you written a letter such as this before? I'd like it to include the potential medications, treatments, vests, doc appts, transplants, etc. Anyone have any ideas for me? Thank you all so much! ~Corrine


New member
I just re-read my post and I hope it does not come off as snarky. Please know that the decision to try to conceive this way was very difficult for my husband and I to make, and it took us months to come to. I guess our reasoning is that if the technology is available for us to bring a child into the world that would not have to navigate the complications of CF, we'd like to do everything possible for that to happen. It certainly means a LOT more than just "dollars and cents" to us!



New member
I didn't find your post weird at all. I think you handled the topic very tactfully. I would search the site for PGD and find some people who talked about doing it and private message them to see if they have a sample letter they wouldn't mind sharing. One user I can think of is mneville but I'm sure there are others. Good luck and if you wouldn't mind sharing your letter with me I would appreciate it :) Thanks!


New member
Great, thank you LouLou! I'll do just that. I'm hoping to have a letter ready in the next 2-3 weeks, and will be more than happy to share it.


New member
I was just wondering how everything went with this? What ended up happening with your insurance company? My husband and I are carriers (we never knew this until after I was pregnant) and expecting our daughter in March 2013. She will have CF. We have always wanted 2 children but do not want to risk bringing another child into the world with CF. Our geneticist told us about IVF w/ PGD but we are both military and our insurance doesn't cover things like that. Let me know how it went! I wish you all the best!