Life Changes, Movie Moments, Disapointments and Surprises


New member
Who can say they haven't had one?

Well, many things in my life are changing. For the better. I want to start off by saying that in the past week or so I've kinda been in shock-and received info and had encounters that have me in zombie land. Sometimes I feel like I've hit a brick wall-been run over by a MAC and then I'm on the verge of elation.

The past year of my life has seen so much positive growth I can hardly believe it. My health has improved so much-mostly due to the fact that I've found greatest cf care team on the planet! I don't want to be snotty-but I LOVE MY CARE TEAM! I've been told my whole life by various people-doctors and family-that I could never have children. And consequently I cut that emotional desire off a long time ago. But, people grow and change.

After months of "maybe's" and working OH SO EXTRA hard to get where I need to be, listening to what my doctor told me to do, holding the hightest PFTs of my life-then being told I have finally crossed over to being in the "mild lung disease" category, doing tons of research-then doubting myself all over again, trying to believe in a possibility, waiting, feeling the butterflies in my stomach every time I had my PFTs done-hoping I held them and my doc would tell me I could go ahead........I had my appointment a week ago and have received the green light from my doctor that I am healthy enough to go ahead and try for a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a miracle and dream come true in every sense of those words. This is a choice that has taken months of planning, serious thought, consideration, waiting patiently-not acting on emotion. I want to emphasize that every case in different here. This is not a one fits all package. There is no such thing as "CFers shouldn't have kids" OR "CFers can have kids" for that matter. It is an individual basis.

With that in mind-I share my experience and journey in getting to this point to inspire others to see that possiblities are opening up-and with hard work you don't know what is possible. Whether its a baby, a new job, and trip of a lifetime-whatever-don't give up b/c of what you've been told. I share this joyful time with you who have given me experience and info that have helped me-and to talk about a positive aspect of CF for once-possiblities opening. If anyone has questions on how I got to this point-please feel free to ask. ALSO-this is a positive happy thing-If you don't agree with this decision-to be blunt-SHOVE IT. Go write your opinion on a piece of paper and burn it. Some of you may have noticed I haven't been here as much-and it will stay that way. I want to keep the ones that care about me informed and have them be a part of this process and especially inspire new people at this site AND younger cfers to do everything to take 100%care of themsleves!!!!!-(as all you women with CF and children have inspired me)-but I'm sick of the negativity, and the high school drama. I'm over it, and am doing bigger and better things with my life that require my attention. So, I will keep you updated-and I give a HUGE thanku to all that helped me with their stories along the way. But I had to get my feelings off my chest. I just thank all the dear souls here for being happy for me-my CF family.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

Let's keep thinking fertility! We'll start trying soon, we just need to finish a few things first that will take a few months. And we'll see. I have to keep up with Julie! HAH LOL-and Wanderlost!!!

I just want to share one moment with all you-oh man I'm already getting teary remembering it. I came home from the doctors monday night and all my sister in law and MIL were over at the house-(they knew what the appointment was for!)-and I came in, and one of them approached me, asked how it went-and I said'I can get pregnant!'-and she hugged me and then one by one, all 6 surrounded me, hugged me and kissed me and we teared in a group hug. It was a moment I have dreamt of-but never thought would happen. Something out of a movie. And I've always looked at that and thought-wow that must feel so happy. The happiness in a moment like that. And now I got a little peice of the pie for once! I felt like I was outside my body looking at that group of girls with me in the center-is this real? Is this a dream? Everyday I've gone to bed thinking I'm going to wake up and that doctor appointment and the dream will be over. And every day I wake up and its not! And plans are moving ahead. And I'm going to be a mother. My dream.


New member
GREAT News! I am so thrilled for you and thank you for sharing your life with us. I felt as if I was watching a movie too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Always have faith and I am sure you are going to be one fine mama.


New member
I am so happy to hear that things have worked out and they gave you the go ahead. GOOD LUCK and have fun conceiving hehe.



Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Scarlett81</b></i>

Go write your opinion on a piece of paper and burn it.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>

BTW Christian- I love this quote!

What a great story, I'm sooo happy for you!We need a teary group hug here too!

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((us and you))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

We needed some good news on this forum, thanks for sharing. I've missed hearing from you. Take it easy though, if you are trying to keep up with Julie AND Wanderlost - that's 4 new babies! LOL


New member
Thats wonderful news ! I am so happy for you and it sounds like you have a great support system already in place........... now get going !!


New member
i'm really pleased for you and wish you well in your desire to be a mum and heres wishing you success .<img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0">


New member
I am so excited for you Christian, I'm so excited!!! Lots of babydust to you!!! Sounds like you have such a wonderful and supportive family.

Keep us posted! Many prayers and baby dust headed your way!


Super Moderator
Congratulations! I am so happy for you...that you get to pursue your dream! It seems as if you worked very hard to get here.

Here's hoping pregnancy comes quickly and goes smoothly....congrats again!


New member
Good for you! I'm glad that things are going great for you and that life is good<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
Best of luck w/ your pregnancy. IM me anytime if you have questions, need information, support, etc.
Keep us posted!


New member
Yippppppppie............ wahoooooooooooooo I am so happy for you. I know how much you want a baby, I am so happy for you. I know their is a lot of drama on here, but look at all your responses of love.. to me it is so worth being here and I love your posts.. so stick around, post more, drown out the drama with lot of great posts.

congratulations Christian! I know it wasn't an easy decision to make. I am glad that you are at peace with what you are doing. MOtherhood is an amazing experience and I wish you all the best!


New member
That is so exciting for you!! You will definetely have to let all of us know how things go because I hope to have a baby someday and I want to hear others who go through the experience. I'm getting married this December and hopefully not to long after that we can see what the docs say and start trying ourselves. I wish you all the best and all the luck in your baby making and I'll say it again, please keep us all informed on how you are doing!!!



New member
Congrats!!!! Please keep us all informed of your experience and
success!!!  <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> I too would like to have a baby someday and
would love to hear about your experiences along the way to
motherhood.  Take Care, Best Wishes, Lotsa Luck!!