life span for cf, cfrd, and more..


New member
i was just wondering if anybody knew the lifespan for someone who has Cf, CFRD, liver disease (from cf), and portal hypertention (from the liver disease , which is from the CF). I know that the average life span for a regular person who ONLY has CF is like 36 or something..but i have more complicatoins so im wondering if I'll die sooner?
just wondering..


New member
good question.... unfortunatly i dont no the answer, you would be beter posting this in the adults section, u alwalys get a faster responce. i would of thought they would of thrown all of the "cf related issues" and then got an "average" life span, thats just my thoughts on it, but like i say i am not sure. it is only a number....


New member
For this question the best one to ask is your Doctor. Then again doctors can only predict and many patients with all types of illnesses surpass the average life expectancy. I hope you are one of these people.


New member
Yeah my doc told me it was about in the 40s. But she also told me, " its your own body and know one knows when you will die only god knows" Just keep doing what you been doing to keep yourself healthy I wouldn't worry about it. Take care good luck

Cf Buddy Christina


New member
Yeah my doc told me it was about in the 40s. But she also told me, " its your own body and know one knows when you will die only god knows" Just keep doing what you been doing to keep yourself healthy I wouldn't worry about it. Take care good luck

Cf Buddy Christina


New member
Yeah my doc told me it was about in the 40s. But she also told me, " its your own body and know one knows when you will die only god knows" Just keep doing what you been doing to keep yourself healthy I wouldn't worry about it. Take care good luck

Cf Buddy Christina