life span for "mild case"


New member
life span for "mild case

I know it is different for everyone, but what's the oldest you've heard of someone with a "mild case" living to be?


New member
Hal Soloff turned 74 on April 9th. I'm not sure how "mild" his case was, though; it may have been just the best chest-treatment regimen anyone's ever heard of, or an act of Flying Spaghetti Monster. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


That's a really tough one. I was considered to have a 'mild' case of cf up until age 20. For a few years (18-20) i neglected my health somewhat, i still took all the medications but i didn't attend clinic. I went from 112% capacity at 18 to 28% at age 20. I am not sure how much of my rapid downfall in capacity can be attributed to my own neglect and how much would have occured regardless. Currently I am 24 and within 12 months of being listed for transplant.


I'm 40, and my case had been pretty mild, I'd been active with a lot of stuff, I'd try to keep up with my little brothers-played Ice Hockey at the age of 9, until about 12 or so.
Got into the Martial Arts at 18.
But, about a year ago, my mom told me that the couple that introduced her to my dad (The matchmakers), the wife was diagnosed at about 60 or so with CF. How she's doing now, I forget to ask, but that's pretty old (and pretty close to home!) for someone to even be diagnosed with CF! (eh?)
I'm looking forward to my late 70's to Early 80's! Just hope I got enough S.S. to hold out all of my hobbies!!


New member
I'm mild at 28 - no hospitilizatind as yet (knock on wood) - PFTs in the 70s - and my uncle has Cf and just turned 53 - he did have a transplant about 10 years ago though.



New member
Katherine Shores lived to 79 (she passed away last year).

And there is Hal Soloff, as mentioned before, who is 74. Hal's story can be found here:


New member
I'm 24 (as of yesterday! Happy birthday to me!) and have never been on IV antibiotics and I'm only on my second round of oral antibiotics since I was about 8 or 9 (just to clean me out, not because I had a sinus infection or something). The oldest person I've ever heard of was in her mid 70's.


New member
My daughter Courtney was diagnosed at the age of 10........she turned 13 a couple of days ago. She has only been in the hospital twice, and has very few lung issues. Her main issues are digestive. As different as this disease can be from person to person I am curious......... what is considered "mild"?
