Life With C.F


New member
Does any1 ever feel that nobody understands an nomatter how hard you try its never quite good enough, an there's only one conclusion CF. Want to scream but nobody'll hear, even if they did they wouldnt acknowledge it.
Or am i on my own..... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">


New member
Your not alone. Not at all. I think we all want to scream and have screamed only to feel as if no one is paying attention or no one hears. You can scream here all you want...we will hear you.


New member
Having CF is hard work and I sure do want to scream out every now and again but we also need to talk to people that love us and are here for us surpporting us so talk and don't fight this thing on yuor own because I think if a team work together they can help one another but like purplelungs says if you need to scream, scream here we will hear you and we will help you the best we can.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">Rebekah


New member
You know what the most annoying, embarassing thing about having CF is, for me anyway? When I can't stop coughing! Like today, in the one class I share with my crush, I could not stop coughing! I was so embarassed! Even when I went to get a drink of water, it wouldn't stop! Sooo annoying!
Thank you for letting me vent. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi, My sister has coughing fits at school and she has had a few people make some pretty mean comments to her. I have asthma and it was pretty bad in grade school so I kinda know how it feels. I wish one of the kids would make a comment while I'm around and I'd let them have a piece of my mind.
Beth, perhaps your sister should explain to her classmates that she has a lung disease and can't help the fact that she coughs a lot. Of course if it was me I'd probably end up saying in a sarcastic tone "we'll excuse me for having a lung disease." =) No but seriously I really hope that someone will do something; if she doesn't want to say anything isn't there some decent person out there that will?