Lindsey update - 5/03/07, 12:50pm


New member
I was out doing errands when Lindsey's mom, Cindy called. (yes, I got her name wrong in the last post and felt very silly so I edited it, sorry!) Lindsey actually got extubated at 7:30am and <b>has walked a little bit.</b> Lindsey shall now go by the name of Superwoman! She stood up and they wanted her to sit back down, but she had to take a few steps first. That's our Lindsey! Her Mom just kept saying how good she was doing. The docs were putting in an epidural for pain control. She has two chest tubes, one on each side, that are very painful and prevent her from taking deep breathes. She has a little O2 via nasal cannula. As her chest tubes are removed she should be able to take deeper breaths. Her Mom said she will be out of ICU in a couple days. Yea for Lindsey!

Interesting side notes....

-Lindsey got the call for transplant on her Mom's birthday.

-The woman who registered them at the hospital shares Lindsey's birthday, and has the same name as her Mom.

-Lindsey and I had dinner a couple weeks ago at Moe's. We ate outside. It turns out that the woman next to us is the nurse caring for Lindsey after her transplant. She overheard our conversation (and saw the O2) and almost interrupted to say she took care of people after transplant, but didn't. She said she was so surprised to see Lindsey's face this morning. What a small world.


New member
I was out doing errands when Lindsey's mom, Cindy called. (yes, I got her name wrong in the last post and felt very silly so I edited it, sorry!) Lindsey actually got extubated at 7:30am and <b>has walked a little bit.</b> Lindsey shall now go by the name of Superwoman! She stood up and they wanted her to sit back down, but she had to take a few steps first. That's our Lindsey! Her Mom just kept saying how good she was doing. The docs were putting in an epidural for pain control. She has two chest tubes, one on each side, that are very painful and prevent her from taking deep breathes. She has a little O2 via nasal cannula. As her chest tubes are removed she should be able to take deeper breaths. Her Mom said she will be out of ICU in a couple days. Yea for Lindsey!

Interesting side notes....

-Lindsey got the call for transplant on her Mom's birthday.

-The woman who registered them at the hospital shares Lindsey's birthday, and has the same name as her Mom.

-Lindsey and I had dinner a couple weeks ago at Moe's. We ate outside. It turns out that the woman next to us is the nurse caring for Lindsey after her transplant. She overheard our conversation (and saw the O2) and almost interrupted to say she took care of people after transplant, but didn't. She said she was so surprised to see Lindsey's face this morning. What a small world.


New member
I was out doing errands when Lindsey's mom, Cindy called. (yes, I got her name wrong in the last post and felt very silly so I edited it, sorry!) Lindsey actually got extubated at 7:30am and <b>has walked a little bit.</b> Lindsey shall now go by the name of Superwoman! She stood up and they wanted her to sit back down, but she had to take a few steps first. That's our Lindsey! Her Mom just kept saying how good she was doing. The docs were putting in an epidural for pain control. She has two chest tubes, one on each side, that are very painful and prevent her from taking deep breathes. She has a little O2 via nasal cannula. As her chest tubes are removed she should be able to take deeper breaths. Her Mom said she will be out of ICU in a couple days. Yea for Lindsey!

Interesting side notes....

-Lindsey got the call for transplant on her Mom's birthday.

-The woman who registered them at the hospital shares Lindsey's birthday, and has the same name as her Mom.

-Lindsey and I had dinner a couple weeks ago at Moe's. We ate outside. It turns out that the woman next to us is the nurse caring for Lindsey after her transplant. She overheard our conversation (and saw the O2) and almost interrupted to say she took care of people after transplant, but didn't. She said she was so surprised to see Lindsey's face this morning. What a small world.


That is awesome news! I am so glad that Lindsey is doing well. I hope that she continues to amaze everyone with her progress!


That is awesome news! I am so glad that Lindsey is doing well. I hope that she continues to amaze everyone with her progress!


That is awesome news! I am so glad that Lindsey is doing well. I hope that she continues to amaze everyone with her progress!


New member
Chest tubes... I'm going to have nightmares about those damn things.

Giving her an epidural for the pain is a FANTASTIC idea. I didn't know any hospital would actually do that. And being cut in half is certainly cause for that kind of drastic pain relief.

But go Lin! *boogies down*


New member
Chest tubes... I'm going to have nightmares about those damn things.

Giving her an epidural for the pain is a FANTASTIC idea. I didn't know any hospital would actually do that. And being cut in half is certainly cause for that kind of drastic pain relief.

But go Lin! *boogies down*


New member
Chest tubes... I'm going to have nightmares about those damn things.

Giving her an epidural for the pain is a FANTASTIC idea. I didn't know any hospital would actually do that. And being cut in half is certainly cause for that kind of drastic pain relief.

But go Lin! *boogies down*


Staff member
I just get chills, this is soo, soo exciting! I am so incredibly happy for Lindsey and her family!!!


Staff member
I just get chills, this is soo, soo exciting! I am so incredibly happy for Lindsey and her family!!!


Staff member
I just get chills, this is soo, soo exciting! I am so incredibly happy for Lindsey and her family!!!


OMG~~~ THE NEWS KEEPS GETTING BETTER!!! I am soooooooooooo pumped to hear that news. If she keeps this going, she will be home in less than a week! Yea for out to buy a great big card! Those lil coincidences are sooo cool! Gotta be fate! Love you so much kiddo....keep on trucking!


OMG~~~ THE NEWS KEEPS GETTING BETTER!!! I am soooooooooooo pumped to hear that news. If she keeps this going, she will be home in less than a week! Yea for out to buy a great big card! Those lil coincidences are sooo cool! Gotta be fate! Love you so much kiddo....keep on trucking!


OMG~~~ THE NEWS KEEPS GETTING BETTER!!! I am soooooooooooo pumped to hear that news. If she keeps this going, she will be home in less than a week! Yea for out to buy a great big card! Those lil coincidences are sooo cool! Gotta be fate! Love you so much kiddo....keep on trucking!


New member
Congratulations Lindsay! Once those chest tubes come out the pain will be sooo much better. Keep up the fight, I had my transplant 5 weeks ago and it feels so good to breathe. Yeah!!!!!


New member
Congratulations Lindsay! Once those chest tubes come out the pain will be sooo much better. Keep up the fight, I had my transplant 5 weeks ago and it feels so good to breathe. Yeah!!!!!