long time no post! question


New member
I doubt anyone will remember me because I don't post much and it has been a long time since I have!!

Jenna is my daughter and she's got CF.

Anywhos she is now 7 months old...growing like crazy and loves all the baby food we give her!! She is just BEAUTIFUL!! IF I do say so myself!

OK now for my question...
if you or your child was told it would be a mild case of cf, did you take meds?

Jenna takes no meds or enzymes yet and we just have to add some salt to her formula. I am just wondering if it will be like this forever or no.

ALSO do you always get your flu shot if your child has CF?? I am getting one on November 7th, but have never had one before!! BUT all for the health of my little girl! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

hope everyone is well.


New member
Forever? No probably not. Even the healthiest CF babies eventually start to decline. It's kind of the nature of CF. But the faster you start meds once she starts to decline, the longer she'll stay in better condition. As for my family, I don't know if they always got flu shots, but I have every year since I was born. And I've only had the flu once or twice, so it's been worth it. As it is, since I started dating my Mike long-term (it's been over 2 years now), I've been trying to get him to get a flu shot. But since there are always shortages, it's hard for him to get one, even though he's the spouse of a "high risk" patient.


New member
I get a flu shot every year as well and like you Emily I have only had the flu maybe twice. When I was a baby I was on all kinds of meds, colace, bactrum, keflex, mineral oil, and my mom used to mix it in with my chocolate milk. I neve knew any different so the first time I had normal chocolate milk I thought it was disgusting! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I agree with emiliy, just based on the statistics thusfar but as more and more cases of CF are being caught at birth better statistics might be recorded.

As far as the flu shot, I would HIGHLY recommend it. I never got one before I met Mark but the firs winter he and I were together I got it and have ever since. Now that I am active duty military, I am mandated to get a flu vaccination. Make sure to STAY AWAY from the FLUmist nose inhalation vaccine. There are current contradicting views/statistics on whether or not the flumist is actually harmful to someone with a comprimised immune system (and even though your child may be healthy, it's always to be safer than sorry) but I would recommend you stay away from it. The military uses the flumist system for active duty but I get aived and get the shot because of Mark, just to be safe.

I do remember you but ti's been a while-welcome back!