Looking for caretakers of children/teens with CF



Do you know someone whose child or teen suffers from Cystic Fibrosis?

20/20 Research is currently conducting a research study among those who care for a child or teen who has been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Qualified participants would be paid to participate in a 1-hour telephone interview.

Telephone interviews will be conducted from February 16th through February 27th

As a token of appreciation for time and participation, qualified participants will receive $100.

No sales or clinical trials are involved.

We'd like to ask you to participate in a very brief (2-3 minutes) screening to see if you qualify for the discussion. Please call our office at 1-800-737-2020 ext. 327 (Terry) as soon as possible!

Thanks, and we hope to see you online soon!

(No sales or solicitations, ever. Strictly research)


Do you know someone whose child or teen suffers from Cystic Fibrosis?

20/20 Research is currently conducting a research study among those who care for a child or teen who has been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Qualified participants would be paid to participate in a 1-hour telephone interview.

Telephone interviews will be conducted from February 16th through February 27th

As a token of appreciation for time and participation, qualified participants will receive $100.

No sales or clinical trials are involved.

We'd like to ask you to participate in a very brief (2-3 minutes) screening to see if you qualify for the discussion. Please call our office at 1-800-737-2020 ext. 327 (Terry) as soon as possible!

Thanks, and we hope to see you online soon!

(No sales or solicitations, ever. Strictly research)


Do you know someone whose child or teen suffers from Cystic Fibrosis?

20/20 Research is currently conducting a research study among those who care for a child or teen who has been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Qualified participants would be paid to participate in a 1-hour telephone interview.

Telephone interviews will be conducted from February 16th through February 27th

As a token of appreciation for time and participation, qualified participants will receive $100.

No sales or clinical trials are involved.

We'd like to ask you to participate in a very brief (2-3 minutes) screening to see if you qualify for the discussion. Please call our office at 1-800-737-2020 ext. 327 (Terry) as soon as possible!

Thanks, and we hope to see you online soon!

(No sales or solicitations, ever. Strictly research)


New member
I have a few questions...

will names and experiences of interveiwees be disclosed?

define "qualified participants"

will you keep the information you gather after reserch and do the story?

during what times can we call in for this interveiw?

does a child or teen with cf being interveiwed help you any?

will information be disclosed to a third party not affiliated with 20/20?

will this information you gather be a part of a 20/20 broadcast if so when will the broadcast be?

will you need our contact information? (you can never be too careful)


New member
I have a few questions...

will names and experiences of interveiwees be disclosed?

define "qualified participants"

will you keep the information you gather after reserch and do the story?

during what times can we call in for this interveiw?

does a child or teen with cf being interveiwed help you any?

will information be disclosed to a third party not affiliated with 20/20?

will this information you gather be a part of a 20/20 broadcast if so when will the broadcast be?

will you need our contact information? (you can never be too careful)


New member
I have a few questions...

will names and experiences of interveiwees be disclosed?

define "qualified participants"

will you keep the information you gather after reserch and do the story?

during what times can we call in for this interveiw?

does a child or teen with cf being interveiwed help you any?

will information be disclosed to a third party not affiliated with 20/20?

will this information you gather be a part of a 20/20 broadcast if so when will the broadcast be?

will you need our contact information? (you can never be too careful)


New member
Please note that this thread was locked in the Families Fourm. I don't know the reason why, but I'm sure Jeanne had a reason.


New member
Please note that this thread was locked in the Families Fourm. I don't know the reason why, but I'm sure Jeanne had a reason.


New member
Please note that this thread was locked in the Families Fourm. I don't know the reason why, but I'm sure Jeanne had a reason.