looking for someone who has CF to help me


New member
im doing a research paper on CF and i was wondering if someone could give me some info about. about how it affects ur everyday life, your daily routines, etc.


New member
i too am doing a report. i don`t have specific questions but anything u can tell me will be helpful. I have cancer so believe me i know that it effects everything. if u could tell me things that only effect people with cf that would be a big help. thank you.


New member
sure i'll help you. hi my name is rebekah and i can help you with your paper my day starts off with having something to eat for breakfast normal toast or cerael then i have to do these this thing call phsyio and that just keeps me healthy and i have to do that twice a day and i have to take roundabout 19 pills a day so i can get the goodness out of my food. i hope i have gavin you some information for your paper.got to fly becstar:<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey! I'm Kim and I'm 17 yrs old and I got CF. I know exactly how you feel... no one understands how hard it can be. And depression makes everythang much worse! People make fun of how short i am and how I cough like a "smoker", they are relly gay! I'm willing to talk to ya bout it, and try and help ya!! I'll hopefully talk to ya lata! Toodle loo



I will be happy to answer any questions you may have but it wiil cost you. If you really want to learn I will give you my home phone and I will answer all of your questions for the charge of a long distance phone call.



New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>im doing a research paper on CF and i was wondering if someone could give me some info about. about how it affects ur everyday life, your daily routines, etc.<hr></blockquote>

what do you want to know?
I have had CF all my life I can fill you in


HI I can help you with what ever you need help with. I have had it all my life.


New member
um well heres a start...cf is an inherited genetic disease. Everyone who has it has had it all their lives........


Will to start out with I wake up in the moring around 5:30am to go to school I take a VEST its my phiscaly theropy to keep the mucus down. So i wont get sick and have to be in the hospital. I go to school and hang woth friends and all that I am just like everyone else It is a condition it aint catchibal so you have to be born with it. You have to take meds to keep down your food cause it hard to digest your food if you dont take it hen you will puke it back up. I take up to 6 different meds so it keeps me busy. But it dont stop me I still play softball and basketball and i go swimmming alot. CF infects your Pancres and it make your lung really full of mucus and it is just something i have to live wirh untill they find a cure. If you need more my screen name is Biscuite Ill be here untill MONday.

write back fast


New member
Lacey- maybe when you said 'keep the mucus down' you meant the amount of mucus, but in theory the Vest is meant to help you brng mucus UP and out of the lungs


New member
Lacey- The reason u take pills before u eat something is so that ur body can get the nutrients and healthy stuff in the food into ur system so u won't lose to mush weight.CF also effects a lot more of ur organs instead of just the lungs and pancreas.I've had a liver transplant because of CF.If u don't mind me asking how old r u.I am 14.If u would like to know more "CORRECT" information of CF email me at shortangel0591@aol.com


New member
Anonymous I talked to u in the adult message board. I gave u the wrong e-mail address. It is shortangel0591@aol.com.Sorry for the inconveiniance.


New member
thanks you have really helped, by the way my name is Akira and if you have anymore info please let me know.


New member
hi my name is felicia and i am doing a research project on the daily life of a person with CF so if you can help me please reply it would really help me and my friend out thanks felicia and ashley


New member
Hey, my name is Katie and I was diagnosed when I was 9 (2000) with CF. If you want, I can give you some info. Just e-mail me at gwen.feeley@comcast.net


New member
hi you're doing a reaserch project on C.F. too would you like to talk through e-mail? mines wyatt22@mailpuppy.com.