Looking for Ultrase sample


New member
It's a long story, but I'm desparate to find a sample of Ultrase that expires in 2005 and another one that expires in 2006. We had samples and my husband wanted to send them to our pharmacy to show them that these samples were different from a bad lot we received between the two samples. I unfortunately combined the two good samples and now he's really mad at me. He's insisting that I spend hours examining them to try and find a discriminator.

Does anyone have or know where I might find some?


mother of 5yr wo CF and 2 yr wCF


New member
I didn't get any from that bad batch but there were quite a few on here who did. I think it was a big topic in the adult section. Maybe post there too???


New member
Thanks for your responses. His anger has blown over. I should have known that it would, it usually does. I posted in haste.



New member
We have a 2 year old and were opening the capsules to pour it on apple sauce so we know what it normally looks like - It should be white, uniformly sized, and basically round. We received a batch in late December where the beads were not uniformly round and not uniform in size, and more brown in color and there seemed to be less in the capsule then usual.

They seemed to be less effective because our daughter had much more poop than usual and it was thinner (which is usually associated with us forgetting to give here enzymes though sometimes it is because of her milk allergies.)

We complained and got a good batch in January, but in March we got another bad batch.

Based on responses from others, there were a whole bunch of people who received the bad batch. The manufacturer insisted they were OK but I have read about many others who had the same experience that we did.