Looks like I have a spot of it on the back of my calf, 2 doctors have told me it sounds like a superficial one, so I am propping it up, taking my advil, have the net stocking with the moist warm compress on it, and will be going to see my clinic doctor in the morning. I had to have him paged tonight, because the "doc in a box" didn't see me until 5:45... and he called me right back and said to drop into clinic tomorrow morning and have him paged, and he will take a look at it, instead of going to the ER tonight to get it ultrasounded (is that a word? lol) like the doc in a box suggested. Which is a load of stress off of me, as my daughter is sick with a fever still today <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> and we would have had to take her to spend the night at a grandparents, not to mention I hate to go to the nasty germy ER downtown at night- scary place...
Please pray this goes away quickly and easily and - at home!
Please pray this goes away quickly and easily and - at home!