Low AMH what to do?


New member
My husband and I were starting the process of having a gestational carrier surrogacy and I found out my AMH is .4, meaning my number of eggs is very low. The RE suggested against surrogacy. We are devastated.

Does anyone have any experience with a low AMH and having a baby?Or has anyone done a domestic adoption of a baby recently? I am under the impression that CFers can't really adopt.

I just want a baby so badly and I feel like I have no hope anymore.


Super Moderator
I am so sorry for what you are going through. There was a CF mom on here a while back who had two children through adoption and I believe I've seen 2 or 3 others too. Do a search here for "adoption" and you can read more about it because there is hope for adoption and those threads can give you more info. hugs