Low sweat test values- 7 & 8- possible to be that low and still find CF in the Ambry Amplified test?
One Cf doc told us the goal for a CF child is to have them be as close to "normal" as we can get. That means in terms of weight, symptoms(coughing) and activity. When my daughter was sick and up coughing at night, the CF doc we were seeing at the time said"Your daughter is not getting what she needs" Meaning the treatment we were doing was not working, we needed another plan of action. I feel your worry, in your post, I can tell you are wracking your brain.
I can give you our experience with our daughter, but remember CF is VERY individual. Eachchild is different. My daughter is 4 1/2 with CF and when she is not sick; she DOES NOT cough. She does not have wheezing or shortness of breath whenshe is NOT sick. BUT, we do nebs everyday; albuterol, pulmicort, hypertonic saline and pulmozyme with VEST(airway clearance) 3 times a day. She is active and runs and plays(sometimes she tires out before other kids) She is in the 75% for weight and 50% for height, but only because she takes pancreatic enzymes with food and s ona high fat/high cal diet. She eats ALOT.
When maggie gets sick with an upper respiratory infection; she can cough so much she pukes, her weight will start to go down and energy will go down. When this happens I call her Cf doc and put her on the appropriate antibiotic for the Cf bacteria she may culture in her sputum. We up her breathing treatments and VEST and usually she gtes better in a week or 2. One time she got so sick she needed IV antibiotics in the hospital by a PICC line for a few weeks. But she did get better after that.
I feel for you, I hope the docs can help your daughter, HTH