Low vitamin D, questions


New member
I just heard back from the nurse and she said the only thing that has shown up so far is low vitamin D.  She said this could be because it's the end of winter and she hasn't been out in the sun, but she said they usually see it in kids who have CF.  Any thoughts? 
 Jasey does not have any of the most common 92 mutations, so now we wait for the rest which can take weeks.  I take this as good news. 
Thanks for any input!!


New member
I just heard back from the nurse and she said the only thing that has shown up so far is low vitamin D. She said this could be because it's the end of winter and she hasn't been out in the sun, but she said they usually see it in kids who have CF. Any thoughts?
Jasey does not have any of the most common 92 mutations, so now we wait for the rest which can take weeks. I take this as good news.
Thanks for any input!!


New member
<p>I just heard back from the nurse and she said the only thing that has shown up so far is low vitamin D. She said this could be because it's the end of winter and she hasn't been out in the sun, but she said they usually see it in kids who have CF. Any thoughts?
<p>Jasey does not have any of the most common 92 mutations, so now we wait for the rest which can take weeks. I take this as good news.
<p>Thanks for any input!!


New member
Vitamin A, D E and K are fat soluble. Cfers don't absorb them very well.
That is why the levels are checked every year and why lots of CFers get these vitamins in pills, like AquaDEK's.


New member
Vitamin A, D E and K are fat soluble. Cfers don't absorb them very well.
That is why the levels are checked every year and why lots of CFers get these vitamins in pills, like AquaDEK's.


New member
Vitamin A, D E and K are fat soluble. Cfers don't absorb them very well.
<br />That is why the levels are checked every year and why lots of CFers get these vitamins in pills, like AquaDEK's.


New member
D is a pretty common one for CF'rs to be low on. My son takes HUGE amounts of D and still has almost none in his bloodstream.

Exposure to sun can help but I would ask your CF Dr about a supplement, especially if you are not on a CF-specific vitamin. They makes ones targeted to patients with CF, the most common is ADEK (or aquadek for liquid).


New member
D is a pretty common one for CF'rs to be low on. My son takes HUGE amounts of D and still has almost none in his bloodstream.

Exposure to sun can help but I would ask your CF Dr about a supplement, especially if you are not on a CF-specific vitamin. They makes ones targeted to patients with CF, the most common is ADEK (or aquadek for liquid).


New member
D is a pretty common one for CF'rs to be low on. My son takes HUGE amounts of D and still has almost none in his bloodstream.
<br />
<br />Exposure to sun can help but I would ask your CF Dr about a supplement, especially if you are not on a CF-specific vitamin. They makes ones targeted to patients with CF, the most common is ADEK (or aquadek for liquid).


New member
DD's bloodwork just came back - all within normal limits except Vitamin D. Her value was a couple of points below low-end of normal. She takes SourceCF, but now we're adding D3, 1000IU/day. We found a product that is made with MCT and D. One drop = 1000IU. Pretty easy addition, thank goodness! We'll recheck her values in six months.


New member
DD's bloodwork just came back - all within normal limits except Vitamin D. Her value was a couple of points below low-end of normal. She takes SourceCF, but now we're adding D3, 1000IU/day. We found a product that is made with MCT and D. One drop = 1000IU. Pretty easy addition, thank goodness! We'll recheck her values in six months.


New member
DD's bloodwork just came back - all within normal limits except Vitamin D. Her value was a couple of points below low-end of normal. She takes SourceCF, but now we're adding D3, 1000IU/day. We found a product that is made with MCT and D. One drop = 1000IU. Pretty easy addition, thank goodness! We'll recheck her values in six months.


New member
This is one that Emily is significantly low on without supplementation as well, it also affects her calcium levels (when we add the supplement both the D and calcium rise.)


New member
This is one that Emily is significantly low on without supplementation as well, it also affects her calcium levels (when we add the supplement both the D and calcium rise.)


New member
This is one that Emily is significantly low on without supplementation as well, it also affects her calcium levels (when we add the supplement both the D and calcium rise.)


New member
Both of my boys were also told they had low Vit D. They said to try and get about 15 mins. of sun one a day if possible without sunscreen. They also told us we should start them on Vit D supplements. They have chewable ones at Walmart that are good for both by 6 yr. old and my 11 yr. old who can't swallow pills. I believe this is part of the CF but we were also told that a lot of people within the past year have been low on Vit D. Hope this helps...


New member
Both of my boys were also told they had low Vit D. They said to try and get about 15 mins. of sun one a day if possible without sunscreen. They also told us we should start them on Vit D supplements. They have chewable ones at Walmart that are good for both by 6 yr. old and my 11 yr. old who can't swallow pills. I believe this is part of the CF but we were also told that a lot of people within the past year have been low on Vit D. Hope this helps...