Lung Gathering - Transplant Games - 2004


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With the 2004 Transplant Games fast approaching, plans are once again being made to have the LUNG GATHERING. This will be a the 4th Transplant Games that the lung, heart/lung recipients will be gathering at games, at a central location to allow these recipients to meet, share their stories, have pictures taken, and to create life long friendships. Also for the 2004 games we have decided to add heart recipients to this gathering.The date, time and place of the gathering has yet to be determined, but most likely will occur after the opening ceremony. As I am in contact with many recipients, and know that we still feel "alone" at times, since lung transplant is still one of the newest organ transplants performed, that we all feel a need to meet, share and bond so that we realize we are not alone, there are many of us out there who want to get to be friends and companions. The 2004 games will be my third time to the games and looking forward to some new events for myself and some old events I have done before. If you will pass along this email to any of the above recipients and my email, they can contact me so that I can put them on the mailings for the Lung Gathering. Thank you in advance for helping out. Have a Great New Year and See you at the Games!!Joanne Schumtwoluckylungs@juno.comBi- lateral Lung Tx 9/12/97Univ of North Carolina Chapel Hill