Madelyn & fluid on both lungs still.


New member
Madelyn now weighs about 16lbs and is 7 mths old. She still keeps fluid on both lungs though. The pulmacort makes her cough and choke really bad but they said that was good. She's on antibiotics constantly though and it worries me that soon they will be useless. One question though...after madelyn's first sweat test a lady who had a child with cf said they only do a sweat test twice if the blood comes back positive. The other day my mom called and the hospital said they didn't know what was going on withthe blood test that they didn't have it. BUT they want to do another sweat test. I have been waiting 2 mths on the results. Could they really be in and they are waiting on telling me? She is still not crawling. Although, she can say a few words. I can't seem to get her to eat baby food. She chokes and coughs up a handful of mucus and has started resisting any baby food. So, at 7 mths she is still only getting formula. I've watered it down a lot ND IT DOESN'T HELP. She actually spent her first night away and the lady said she was choking and she knew about her problems so she was going to let her cough it up. She started turning colors and she thought maybe my 2 yr old put something in her mouth and stuck her fingers down her throat and she threw up. She said she literally threew up nothiing but a handful of mucus. She said she doesn't even knoiw how she got that much out. I'm very upset with how long the hospitaOL IS TAKING ON THIS B/C WE HAVE TO GET SOMETHING DONE. She still gets yeast infections horribly and her poop is still the same as newborns. They actually told me that was normal like I don't allready have a child. Mentally she is developing great, but not physically. Can it eventually affect her mentally? I kind of just needed to vent.


New member
I dont really remember your whole story, but my first ??? is are you with the same doctor? Something is wrong & nothing is being done even if it is not CF, something is wrong!


New member
oh and in case you didn't know. Antibiotics that work on non-CFer's don't treat the 'CF germs' So although she's being treated it might not be the best treatment if it is CF.


Boy, after two months and not getting the results I would seriously consider taking to another doctor. Even if it is not cf there is something going on and the sooner you know and are able to treat it the better.



New member
The genetic blood test for the CF mutations takes 2 weeks for results. I would demand those results immediately. It is not normal to be choking on mucous CF or not. You need to be assertive and demand this bloodwork to be done.


New member
When Ds was born we were told that we should find out the results of the genetic blood tests in 7-10 days. A doctor at the local hospital had ordered the tests before he was lifeflighted in the cities on a Sunday night and by Thursday afternoon we had our test results. Liza


New member
It depends. The extended panel can take a long time. IF they did that, it may just be getting in. If they only did one of the standard panels, those should be in within two weeks. We waited a MONTH to get ours only to find out the lab screwed up, didn't send the results to our specialist who ORDERED the test, but only to our PCP who PUT THE TEST IN THE FILE AND FORGOT ABOUT IT. I just *accidentally* found the results when we went to our PCP a month later for a sick visit and it was on top of ds's file. SHe pulled it out, read the results to me and faxed them to our specialist. But, they'd had them for over two weeks. I'd call the dr's office back and DEMAND that they at least call the lab and check on the results. Good luck!


New member
Just to wonder why were asked at clinic if I was making sure that if i were to turn Damiens bottle upside down would formula run out or drip heavy? had he been coughing or chocking? NO I thought and you wouldnt have to ask because id of told you.Anyway we did an X ray that visit . He caught Phumonia 2 months prior and had a chest tube draining hes lungs. We were discussing X-ray and she said Damien was aspirating inhaled food. Well the lighr bulb went on and yes I have given Damien 1or 2 sips from a water bottle after Xopenex in the pamplet it said causes dry mouth rinse mouth after nebulizing and he had just been switched from albuteral. And even one sip hed seem to not know how to swallow and I did think it was a diffrent consistintcy. She said stop doing that. Ok . I felt terrible . And I left there and one the way home i am thinking I needed to ask her the fluid you said you seen in X ray was from Aspiratoin on water/ food ? I assume so. And when you mentoined watering down formula , and fluid on the lungs the age of your daughter, Damien is almost 7 months 6 days he will be. He weighs 13pounds7 ounces he was a preemie at 7 months I had him with severe eclampsia . Any who well catch up. I would find elsewhere to take your girl(s) I belive a overall general satisfactoin 0f your doc (team) I call it is vitally important to health and happiness. I agree theres somthing wrong , definitly with health care provider . Unbelivable