

New member
I know it has been a while since I've been on the site, so I can't quite remember if I told everyone she tested negative in 2 sweat tests and blood tests for cf. So we proceeded to test for everything else. X-rays...more blood...they did a swallow-function test to see why she couldn't eat anything other than formula. It turns out that she just flat out does NOT like baby food and most adult food. She likes Oreos, fries, rolls, cornbread, lucky charms, and suckers, twizzlers, and any nonfood item she can pull out from under a couch or something! NO veggies or even mashed potatoes. It's kinda funny actually. But anyway, our family practioner said she is gaining wieght and is happy always, forget the tests and see if she grows out of it. She hasn't had pulmacort in over a month and ever since has not had one cold or resp. infection. Odd, isn't it? She is almost 19 lbs and in 2 1/2 months I'll be throwing her FIRST birthday party. (*sniffle*) She is doing good except for bowels, but Doc said it is not bothering her, so leave it and give her a break. I hope everything goes well for everyone and I'm still going to log on to see how everyone is. But thank you for all the help and advice everyone has given me while I was clueless. If everyone could remember, please keep me in your prayers. I am now 3 mths pregnant and the baby is small like Madelyn was, and I can't feel it kick anymore which was also what happened with Madelyn b/c she was very weak. This baby brought me and my husband back together, it is a blessing, so I know God will take care of ALL my children. I just need prayer for my own strength, especially if I have another sick child. God bless!


New member
Thanks for the update Paige. I was wondering how everything was going.

Best of luck with this new pregnancy!