

New member
It's been a while, so y'all may have forgotten about me. The last I wrote, she tested neg. for cf but I just wanted to let you now how she was doing. She will be one year old on Aug. 17th and is over 20 lbs! Her poop is still messed up and she still breathes real raspy and snores very loud at night. But she has not had an infection or fluid on her lungs in months. Her practioner said she was happy and fat and we need to give her a break. She is trying to walk and is talking good so she has caught up tremendously. I just wanted to let you all know that everyone is in my prayers and I think about you often b/c I know what short time I struggled and stressed. I hope everything goes well for everyone. I believe God used our baby to keep my husband from going overseas. He "wanted to go b/c he could bring home about $25,000 and we needced it" but they said they would not let him go b/c our baby was sick. So maybe there really is a reason for everything. By the way, for anyone who remembers me talking about my husband and I seperating...we are great and back together and we both grew up a lot. Now we are having another baby( not the reason we got back together) in December. Good luck to everyone and you are in my prayers.


New member
Thanks for giving us an update.  It is good to read that you
and your husband worked out your problems and now you are being
blessed with another child.  Best wishes to you.  I hope
also that your daughter's health continues to improve.  Thank
you for your prayers and know that you are in mine as well.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">