Hi Bobbie,
Well let me tell you....it's difficult. I guess if I had it to do all over again, I'd hold off on marriage. I love my husband dearly but our situation is hard because he owns his own company, so on paper, it looks like we have a HUGE income, which totally screws me when it comes to benefits.
Infact, Medicare is taking like $300 for part D, which is a rip. I think we need to file our taxes separatly. I can only make like $10K a year and accidentially we went over that (my income was over by about $9 per month), meaning I have to pay $7K back to SS. It's a mess!
So it would be much easier to stay single and live together, I don't know if your religion would prohibit that, but it's really hard to be married and keep benefits, for me any way.
It's really something to think about.
f CF 31