Heeeeeey all you CFers! I have a friend who's outlook is suffering pretty badly. I dunno what her health is in regard to percents, but Ive never seen her struggle with it aside from having a minor cough. Well, about a month and a half ago her boyfriend died, and with him, all of her plans for the future. She is getting/has gotten completely hopeless, and is basically giving up. From what Ive heard, the doctors say her life expectancy is somewhere around 25 years.I want to know about all of you. The Adults among CFers. The Lucky ones, the Rare ones, those who fight the good fight against an awesome opponent. As I understand it, some of you are lucky, all of you are rare, and most of you work hard for the time you werent expected to have.Any of you who are over 30, 35, 40, or older, or know someone who is, PLEASE post. I want something to give my young friend Hope. Please tell me your age, your secret to staying healthy so long, and how long the doctors said you had left when you were around 15. If you care to add how much longer you think, expect, or hope to have, that would be appreciated too.-------------------Dave21/m/SoCalCF SympathizerIf this thread reaches 10 replies, or 20, I askthat someone please email me a link to this threadat Boredomfiend@yahoo.com so that I can seethe results, because I may not make it back to this site on my own. Thank you very much. God bless