Med Side Effects...worse as you age??



I was just sitting here thinking...I just finished my course of Bactrim (yay!!). But prior to that I was prescribed Levaquin and Bactrim. Now I have always been able to tolerate Levaquin (not so with some other meds) but I could not handle the side effects this time. I was having VERY bad anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, nausea...everything. I would not call it an allergic reaction, just side effects that severely impacted my life.

My you older CFers notice that you cannot tolerate certain meds as you have used them more often? I mean, even last summer, I tolerated Levaquin.

No big deal, just some thoughts I was wondering...


I was just sitting here thinking...I just finished my course of Bactrim (yay!!). But prior to that I was prescribed Levaquin and Bactrim. Now I have always been able to tolerate Levaquin (not so with some other meds) but I could not handle the side effects this time. I was having VERY bad anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, nausea...everything. I would not call it an allergic reaction, just side effects that severely impacted my life.

My you older CFers notice that you cannot tolerate certain meds as you have used them more often? I mean, even last summer, I tolerated Levaquin.

No big deal, just some thoughts I was wondering...


I was just sitting here thinking...I just finished my course of Bactrim (yay!!). But prior to that I was prescribed Levaquin and Bactrim. Now I have always been able to tolerate Levaquin (not so with some other meds) but I could not handle the side effects this time. I was having VERY bad anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, nausea...everything. I would not call it an allergic reaction, just side effects that severely impacted my life.
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<br />My you older CFers notice that you cannot tolerate certain meds as you have used them more often? I mean, even last summer, I tolerated Levaquin.
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<br />No big deal, just some thoughts I was wondering...


New member
It has SURE been the case for me!!!! I can not handle ANYTHING. My body is like ultra sensitive now AND I have so many allergic reactions were are down to almost nothing to treat me with before deciding to maybe desensitize! I have been taking cephlasporins ie. Cefipime forever and have always had HORRIBLE reaction like fever, throwing up,uncomfortableness horribly but I just got through it cause it was not severe enough reactions to stop. Now last year did the drug again and I got HORRIBLE low blood count and now I am not allowed to do that class of drugs. It is just aweful the way my body reacts and it makes it hard to treat me. NEVER, NEVER had such issues when I was younger! Ugh! I feel your pain!

Jennifer 38 with CF CFRD


New member
It has SURE been the case for me!!!! I can not handle ANYTHING. My body is like ultra sensitive now AND I have so many allergic reactions were are down to almost nothing to treat me with before deciding to maybe desensitize! I have been taking cephlasporins ie. Cefipime forever and have always had HORRIBLE reaction like fever, throwing up,uncomfortableness horribly but I just got through it cause it was not severe enough reactions to stop. Now last year did the drug again and I got HORRIBLE low blood count and now I am not allowed to do that class of drugs. It is just aweful the way my body reacts and it makes it hard to treat me. NEVER, NEVER had such issues when I was younger! Ugh! I feel your pain!

Jennifer 38 with CF CFRD


New member
It has SURE been the case for me!!!! I can not handle ANYTHING. My body is like ultra sensitive now AND I have so many allergic reactions were are down to almost nothing to treat me with before deciding to maybe desensitize! I have been taking cephlasporins ie. Cefipime forever and have always had HORRIBLE reaction like fever, throwing up,uncomfortableness horribly but I just got through it cause it was not severe enough reactions to stop. Now last year did the drug again and I got HORRIBLE low blood count and now I am not allowed to do that class of drugs. It is just aweful the way my body reacts and it makes it hard to treat me. NEVER, NEVER had such issues when I was younger! Ugh! I feel your pain!
<br />
<br />Jennifer 38 with CF CFRD


New member
Yes, that's been the case with me. When I was younger, I seemed to be able to take about any kind of medication with no problems, but definitely not so now. Other than Bactrim, I'm not allergic--just have very miserable side effects.


New member
Yes, that's been the case with me. When I was younger, I seemed to be able to take about any kind of medication with no problems, but definitely not so now. Other than Bactrim, I'm not allergic--just have very miserable side effects.


New member
Yes, that's been the case with me. When I was younger, I seemed to be able to take about any kind of medication with no problems, but definitely not so now. Other than Bactrim, I'm not allergic--just have very miserable side effects.


Interesting! I also recall being able to tolerate cipro in my younger years with horrible side effects now...keep 'em coming!


Interesting! I also recall being able to tolerate cipro in my younger years with horrible side effects now...keep 'em coming!


Interesting! I also recall being able to tolerate cipro in my younger years with horrible side effects now...keep 'em coming!


New member
I can't take Cipro anymore, after being on it for almost 5 years. I broke it in hives that landed me in the ER last month. I think the ingredients were changed...


New member
I can't take Cipro anymore, after being on it for almost 5 years. I broke it in hives that landed me in the ER last month. I think the ingredients were changed...


New member
I can't take Cipro anymore, after being on it for almost 5 years. I broke it in hives that landed me in the ER last month. I think the ingredients were changed...


New member
I haven't noticed it too much with meds yet but I know I have problems with the chloroprep they use to clean your skin before starting an iv or drawing blood. I never use to have trouble with it then over the course of about two years I started breaking out around my iv site and once got so bad I ended up in the er with an infection from my wrist to my shoulder. We didn't figure out what it was until I got my med port and I broke out after a monthly flush, now we just use alcohol swabs.


New member
I haven't noticed it too much with meds yet but I know I have problems with the chloroprep they use to clean your skin before starting an iv or drawing blood. I never use to have trouble with it then over the course of about two years I started breaking out around my iv site and once got so bad I ended up in the er with an infection from my wrist to my shoulder. We didn't figure out what it was until I got my med port and I broke out after a monthly flush, now we just use alcohol swabs.


New member
I haven't noticed it too much with meds yet but I know I have problems with the chloroprep they use to clean your skin before starting an iv or drawing blood. I never use to have trouble with it then over the course of about two years I started breaking out around my iv site and once got so bad I ended up in the er with an infection from my wrist to my shoulder. We didn't figure out what it was until I got my med port and I broke out after a monthly flush, now we just use alcohol swabs.


New member
You just described my exact experience w/ Levaquin! I was able to take it when I was younger, but a few years ago when I was on it I got terribly depressed (suicidal thoughts), very anxious, could not sleep, nauseous, etc. Needless to say, they took me off of it asap.

I thought it was strange as well; as soon as I stopped it I was back to normal. That would be an interesting thing to study - how side effects change/differ throughout our lives...would have to be a long study, though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
You just described my exact experience w/ Levaquin! I was able to take it when I was younger, but a few years ago when I was on it I got terribly depressed (suicidal thoughts), very anxious, could not sleep, nauseous, etc. Needless to say, they took me off of it asap.

I thought it was strange as well; as soon as I stopped it I was back to normal. That would be an interesting thing to study - how side effects change/differ throughout our lives...would have to be a long study, though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">