Medic Alert


New member
Do I really need to wear a medic alert? I don't see why I would, I'm not allergic to any meds or anything, what about CF would make them dp treatment any differently? I'm confused, I don't see why I would need one of these, but I see people on here talking about them...


New member
Think about it. How invasive is CF? It potentially gets in the way of everything. All your organs, your body systems, etc. If you're in a coma, they need to know to give you Pulmozyme or Tobi. They need to know to give you enzymes when they feed you. They need to know why a lung injury might be more dangerous to one of us than to others (a collapsed lung, for instance). We still need chest therapy, if we're in more than a few hours.

They also need to know when they listen to your chest that the crackling and wheezing isn't caused by the accident... but normal for you. If they don't know that, they may try to treat the shortness of breath, when there's really nothing they can do about it. And then you've got procedures done or meds given to you that you just don't need.


New member
I inquired at my clinic about the medic alert notifications, and they indicated it wasn't necessary; however, in reading through all of the warnings for the meds I take, I decided to go ahead and get one anyway. What if I pass out or something and can't tell people what's wrong with me or what meds I am on? They may give me something that would kill me...and we all have enough troubles with that on our own! I agree with Emily on this....get your bracelt, necklace, etc.


New member
I don't have a bracelet either and I never thought to get one until reading on the forum. i just looked it up and have a few questions?
Are most people registered with the actual Medic Alert site and do you put CF on it or just predinsone? It seemed to me you could only choose one and then how would they know all the medicine i am on?
Considering i really don't tell anyone about CF this would be a big deal for me, because the bracelet isn't practical with a lot of my clothes. so i would be interested in just how many of you have one. thanks!

23 w/CF


New member
I have one, and it's a convenient little thing. It looks like a regular bracelet, just with the Medic Alert logo on it. The jewlery part in the middle actually opens up. It's a tiny little space, but just big enough to fit a water-proof piece of paper that you can write all your information on. My bracelet says "Emily" on one side, and "Cystic Fibrosis" on the other, and then on the paper are all my meds, my doctor, phone numbers to call, etc. It works really well, and has all the important information on it.


New member
i dont have a medic alert braclet, yet anyway. i do have a yellow piece of paper in my wallet. i drew a big red medical cross on it. it lists my name, cf, medications and someone to call and my address. i know not always in an emergency do they see a wallet. but they usually always try to locate a wallat asap because alot of people carry information in them, such as a name and contacts that the medical personell would need. but it is good to have a braclet or necklace so they can see it much easier.


New member
I think they are a must have esp if you are taking steroids or are post transplant.. or anything else...

I have had three of them.. Some I have paid a lot of money for the problem is.. I rust right through them and they break off... without fail... If I could find one that didn't look like a bracelett that Martha Stewart is wearing ( around her ankle) I would get one........


New member
We had...this one : <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> Because it didn't look really obvious, so he wasn't too freaked about it, it just looked a bracelet that the outcoorsy types around here wear. Then we had the silver charm on it, with his name, my number, and "see wallet card" on the back. Then in his wallet we had a laminated card that had all the details...CF, meds he's on, the fact that he needs physio, etc. Plus other people they could contact if, for some odd reason, they couldn't get ahold of me.

I suggest it. I'd have never let him out of the house without it lol.

Edited to add: here's the main page. I daresay they have some that are rather pretty. <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
Emily where did you get your braclet from. I have been trying to find them, i saw them once before, but I just cant find them again.
I would very much appriciate it if you could tell me the website.


New member
I actually got mine at the jeweler here in town where my family goes. But I'll see if I can find a link to the bracelet I have so you can see what it looks like.... *runs off to search*


New member
Found it!!!
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
i just looked at both links allie and emily put up. thank you both. The one i had seen before and was trying to find was actually on Allies site. Thanks again.