Medical Card?


New member
Hello All,
I have worked since I was about 16, and I am still currently working. I have just been accepted for SS Disability. I will get about $633 per month. My question is....are there anyother ways to get a medical card. Because I'm accepted for SSDI, that means I will be able to get a medical card in 24 months. Which will put me at Feb, 2007. I would like to work full time but I could only do that for 9 months for the trial work period, then there is a cap of $830 monthly of what I can make gross. I'd be saving the government $ if they'd let me work full time, but the kicker is, then I would lose the possibility of a medical card. It's a catch 22.
Does anyone know anything else to do regarding the medical card. It's not like CF goes away, or like it will even improve for me. I'm 27 and can't imagine how I'll be at 29.
I'd appreciate any adivce from people who are faced with this or have dealt with this.


New member
check with your local medicaid(state insurance), the medical card you will be getting in 2 years is medicare(federal insurance). You can recieve one without the other or both. You need to check with your local dept. of human services for qualifications(it is based not only on your disease but on your income.



New member
I did that but they say that I make too much $. In order to get Medicaid you have to make under $500 per month. I don't know how that is possible because that is WAY under the poverty level. I guess I'll just have to wait to stinkin years.
Thanks for your advice though, I do appreciate it.


I know the system really sucks, if I think of anything I will repost.



New member
Hey Julie,
Thanks so much for the offer. I live in Ohio. You can e-mail me at
I appreciate it!