Medical help needed


New member
Hey guys,

The medical situation in Lebanon is worsening. I'm in desperate need for basic CF meds ( enzymes and tobramycin mainly). The country is totally sieged so there is no way you can ship them to lebanon directly from the U.S. If anyone is interested to help please ship medications to my relative in U.A.E who will pass them to lebanon more easily: Here is the adress:

Ziad Najjar
MEA, Alreem Tower, Mezzanine floor
Maktoum Street
Deira, Dubai
Tel: 0097142221888


New member
What kind of enzymes do you take? I have a bunch of unopened Ultrase MT20s from when I was in the hospital. They're in individual sealed packaging that might be easily enough to send to your relative. Don't know if those would work for you though. Let me know.


New member
My doc told me that any enzyme would do it bec it is better than nothing. However, I use Creon. Please keep me posted. Thank you very much in advance Kelly. My email is for any details.


Digital opinion leader
Me too. Ultrase MT 20 500 capsules. I can send them off today.

Please let us know if there is anything else you could use. Most of us have lots of medical stuff laying around that we could send if needed. I just shipped a package of stuff to the organization that Holly Catherine mentioned in Africa, but I have more. We'd be happy to help.


New member
Thank you Jane. Mainly enzymes and Tobi and ADEK vitamins are bassically need now. Others are still avaible .


New member
I want to send you some supplies but since i have b.cepacia i came up with a better idea. I am going to my cf clinic in a week and a half. I will ask my nurse to pack up some samples of whatever they can find to send to you. . . .


New member
I just read this and remembered that I have some TOBI in my fridge that I am not using. My daughters were using it at one time and I stocked up while I had insurance that would cover it. I had just been keeping it incase they needed it again but would be happy to send it to you. I counted 224 vials of it so that should last a while. It has been constantly refrigerated and from the vials I looked at, some expire in December of this year and the others are July of 2007 so they should all be good. I would be happy to send it but does anyone have any idea how to ship it so that it stays cold? I am leaving to run my daughter to the dr but if anyone can give me an idea of how to ship the stuff, I'll put it in the mail ASAP.

I will check to see if I have any extra enzymes too. Both my daughters are on Creon. I just got rid of a bunch that had expired so I'm not sure what I have but I"ll check...

I'll touch base after I get back from the dr.


New member
I can send Ultrace MT20's.

I will also send Vitamax vitamins. I believe they are the same thing as ADEK's.

What about albuterol? Do you need any of that? I also have flovent.

Do you need any acid reflux meds?



New member
Well, the dr appt got postponed until later in the afternoon so I stopped in at a Post Net place and inquired about sending the TOBI. Here is what I was told...

They can send it to the address given above. It will take about 3 days to get there. They can pack it in dry ice and put it in a small cooler to keep it cold. The person picking it up will have to have a license from the embassy of health to pick it up. And it will cost hundreds of dollars to ship it. He estimated 5 lbs at about $250.00 (without insurance, which they want me to take out also) but I got home and weighed it and the medication alone weighs 5 lbs without the dry ice, the box, or the cooler...

Any ideas what I could do? Is there any other way to get it there? I want to help, but unfortunately have limited resources...

I wonder if a pharmacy would be of any assistance or if it would be a legal issue since the medcation was prescribed to someeone else.


New member
I would be happy to donate money to help ship. I don't have much as
far as meds go, but I would to help with cash if that is what is
comes to. I am in calif. I could transfer or wire money somehow to
you. I would definately give half if we could come up wit the
rest.I will look for more posts.


New member
If I recall correctly - Tobi can be without refrigeration for up to 30 days. Can someone verify?


New member
I don't believe TOBI can be with refrigeration for more than 1 day or so-Amy can give the exact data on that.

Also, if the meds aren't refrigerated properly, and you inhale them, they won't do any good, but could they do any harm? Anyone know?


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Tobi can be stored at room temperature (no more than 77ºF) for up to 28 days.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ihatecf</b></i>

Hey guys,

The medical situation in Lebanon is worsening. I'm in desperate need for basic CF meds ( enzymes and tobramycin mainly). The country is totally sieged so there is no way you can ship them to lebanon directly from the U.S. If anyone is interested to help please ship medications to my relative in U.A.E who will pass them to lebanon more easily: Here is the adress:

Ziad Najjar
MEA, Alreem Tower, Mezzanine floor
Maktoum Street
Deira, Dubai
Tel: 0097142221888
Mobile:00971506661285</end quote></div>

Hi Ziad,

Just wondering, I went to send this box of Ultrase MT20s today and I have the Customs Declaration sheet to fill out. What do you recommend or what are others putting in the Detailed description section? You can't exactly mail perscription drugs over seas, can you??? I mean of all places too. I don't want to get you in trouble. Suggestions?

Also, they went to look up Dubai in their computer system to find out how much postage, and it didn't even come up. Maybe it's because I live in the middle of nowhere-ville. I don't know. Not sure what to do.



New member
I also have some Tobi that I can send to you, If it can be out of the fridge for 28 days then maybe I can just send it regualr mail to you. Can you also tell me what I should put in the subject line of the customs sheet?


New member
My name is Rami, Ziad is my relative in UAE. I dont know abt your customs regulations. Please dont send any bronchodilators ( atrovent and albuterol) bec we managed to get it from the Red Cross. Thank you everyone for your aid. I'm checking in everytime I can.


Staff member
Technically, aren't enzymes considered a food supplement (digestive aid) and not really a prescription. I mean you can get them over the counter at the healthfood store -- not the ones CFers are prescribed, but a digestive enzyme. So that could be something to put on the customs form. Just an idea.


New member
I have some TOBI left over, my last course was only 2 weeks long so I have abou 2 weeks worth left. It is at my old house as I have not yet moved all of my stuff out yet so I can go get it sometime this week and have it on the way to you! Good luck!