Andrea,I am a single mother with a daughter name Lindsey, she is 10. She recieved the vest five years ago. They gave us the vest just for being on a study. I definately recommend it, it has been wonderful. she puts it on three times a day for 30 minutes. Not only is it a time saver, but it works 100% more effective. If you ever need to talk or have any questions please e-mail me. Lindsey, had surgery at two days old and we were told she would not live the first few weeks. She is 10 years old. We moved here from Texas to MN. Where she is being seen by Dr. Henry, which I highly recommend. She has been through tube feedings, surgery, and as you know a lot of hospitalization. Here lungs function dropped to 64% but now they are back up to 80%. I hope your daughter is doing good. I know how stressful it can be, especially at your daughter's age. I would recommend the vest without a doubt and she should not have to wait! Ask for Vicki Dean at the mayo clinic, that is my daughters nurse. Get an appointment in with her Dr. Henry, I know she could help get through the loop holes of the insurance companies. To answer your question regarding how fast do they respond to problems with the machine. Right away, Lindsey vest did not fit after five years. They sent us on a day later.Sincerely, Jodie