milan foundation


New member
I was wondering if anyone has ever gotten help from the milan foundation.. what exactly do they help you out with, im in a major financial bind and i dont know who to turn to for help.. thanks


New member
I recieved a grant from the milan foundation to help pay for a month of rent and some groceries. They sent me a check in about 3 weeks. I in turn, have included them in my CF fundraising-requesting that those who have donated in the past-and wish/plan to donate again "this year", please split the money they intend to and the milan foundation.

They required pay stubbs, a copy of monthly grocery expenses (since that's what we needed help with) a copy of our lease and our last tax return.

Also, reach for the stars is a place to turn. They turned us down because of our frugal spending (my mom visited and she paid for a "spa day" but i put it on my credit card to get 5% cash back-and she paid me in a check, they requested 2 months of last credit card statements and it was on one of them so they said out $$ problem was because of bad spending). But, you may want to try there-google 'reach for the stars foundation'

Good luck,

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)