


<P>I just feel like moaning a bit. Today is my birthday, and I wish I could feel better. I have a pain in my right side (lung) due to my b<STRONG>ronchiectasis, the last days I have felt the tightness, wanting to take off my bra etc. and today it's like a dumb pain. Also I'm nauseous and feel light headed. Overall without much energy. </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>As said today is my birhtday, and tomorrow I'm going to celebrate with my family and some guests, I want to have a good time, show my guests a happy face, and take some good pictures to remember the day. But right now I feel like I just want to crawl up in bed and rest. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> and next week we are finally going on holiday; back to my country, and I too want to enjoy my holidays, with my family and friends, and if I feel like I do now... well <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">(</STRONG></P>
<P>I like to read blogs about decorating, and I like to decorate my apartment as well, but like I feel now without energy, it seems impossible. I wish I could. And when I see people on tv with tons of energy, I just wonder, how can they?</P>
<P>Just moaning, hope to feel better soon. My doctor asked me to take ibuprofen, I am already on one oral antibiotic due to a cold that was on its way, about a week ago.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Anyone want to moan too? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"></P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>


<P>I just feel like moaning a bit. Today is my birthday, and I wish I could feel better. I have a pain in my right side (lung) due tomy b<STRONG>ronchiectasis, the last days I have felt the tightness, wanting to take off my bra etc. and today it's like a dumb pain. Also I'm nauseous and feel light headed. Overall without much energy. </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>As said today is my birhtday, and tomorrow I'm going to celebrate with my family and some guests, I want to have a good time, show my guests a happy face, and take some good pictures to remember the day. But right now I feel like I just want to crawl up in bed and rest. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> and next week we are finally going on holiday; back to my country, and I too want to enjoy my holidays, with my family and friends, and if I feel like I do now... well<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">(</STRONG></P>
<P>I like to read blogs about decorating, and I like to decorate my apartment as well, but like I feel now without energy, it seems impossible. I wish I could. And when I see people on tv with tons of energy, I just wonder, how can they?</P>
<P>Just moaning, hope to feel better soon. My doctor asked me to take ibuprofen, I am already on one oral antibiotic due to a cold that was on its way, about a week ago.</P>
<P>Anyone want to moan too? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"></P>


<P><BR>I just feel like moaning a bit. Today is my birthday, and I wish I could feel better. I have a pain in my right side (lung) due tomy b<STRONG>ronchiectasis, the last days I have felt the tightness, wanting to take off my bra etc. and today it's like a dumb pain. Also I'm nauseous and feel light headed. Overall without much energy. </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>As said today is my birhtday, and tomorrow I'm going to celebrate with my family and some guests, I want to have a good time, show my guests a happy face, and take some good pictures to remember the day. But right now I feel like I just want to crawl up in bed and rest. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> and next week we are finally going on holiday; back to my country, and I too want to enjoy my holidays, with my family and friends, and if I feel like I do now... well<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">(</STRONG></P>
<P>I like to read blogs about decorating, and I like to decorate my apartment as well, but like I feel now without energy, it seems impossible. I wish I could. And when I see people on tv with tons of energy, I just wonder, how can they?</P>
<P>Just moaning, hope to feel better soon. My doctor asked me to take ibuprofen, I am already on one oral antibiotic due to a cold that was on its way, about a week ago.</P>
<P>Anyone want to moan too? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"></P>


<P> AH Happy Birthday Gunelle....!!!!</P>
<P>lol I ll join your pity</P>
<P> </P>
<P>No, you have every right to be want to enjoy your birthday and your holidays.</P>
<P>where s home? Germany?</P>
<P>maybe with the cold you are having extra gunk in that a lil extra physio or a lil extra of whatever works for you...pep flutter...stiff</P>
<P>I know I say to my husband how do people do it... work ...go out...groceries kids , they have the same disease I do??  but I used to work and go out...but had to quit 7 ish years ago...thot it would be temporary....thot I d get a good rest....I m still resting...</P>
<P>the fatigue and lethargy just wont go ....I always used to rebound from set backs physically and </P>
<P>mentally...but just dont seem to in the past yr or so...positive attitude ..oh this will pass is so gone...</P>
<P>used to love to cook, need to paint living room...lately cant even book ahead to  make arrangements for going out to dinner.....havent done anything social really since July 1st BBQ.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Geez now dont you feel better? Im more of a drag then my Fev is 96% it is down... people think if FeV i higher they will feel better ...I dont know whats happening to friend is only 45 %...and she feels better than me and is doing more...</P>
<P>i have a productive cough...she does not...but still cant seem to shake it off and get back in the game of life...</P>
<P>Geez hope I havent depressed you more...Hope you feel better for your birthday dinner and holidays next week...I think you will....</P>
<P>Cheers Gunelle...</P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>


<P>AH Happy Birthday Gunelle....!!!!</P>
<P>lol I ll join your pity</P>
<P>No, you have every right to be want to enjoy your birthday and your holidays.</P>
<P>where s home? Germany?</P>
<P>maybe with the cold you are having extra gunk in that a lil extra physio or a lil extra of whatever works for you...pep flutter...stiff</P>
<P>I know I say to my husband how do people do it... work ...go out...groceries kids , they have the same disease I do?? but I used to work and go out...but had to quit 7 ish years ago...thot it would be temporary....thot I d get a good rest....I m still resting...</P>
<P>the fatigue and lethargy just wont go ....I always used to rebound from set backs physically and </P>
<P>mentally...but just dont seem to in the past yr or so...positive attitude ..oh this will pass is so gone...</P>
<P>used to love to cook, need to paint living room...lately cant even book ahead to make arrangements for going out to dinner.....havent done anything social really since July 1st BBQ.</P>
<P>Geez now dont you feel better? Im more of a drag then my Fev is 96% it is down... people think if FeV i higher they will feel better ...I dont know whats happening to friend is only 45 %...and she feels better than me and is doing more...</P>
<P>i have a productive cough...she does not...but still cant seem to shake it off and get back in the game of life...</P>
<P>Geez hope I havent depressed you more...Hope you feel better for your birthday dinner and holidays next week...I think you will....</P>
<P>Cheers Gunelle...</P>


<P>AH Happy Birthday Gunelle....!!!!</P>
<P><BR>lol I ll join your pity</P>
<P>No, you have every right to be want to enjoy your birthday and your holidays.</P>
<P>where s home? Germany?</P>
<P>maybe with the cold you are having extra gunk in that a lil extra physio or a lil extra of whatever works for you...pep flutter...stiff</P>
<P>I know I say to my husband how do people do it... work ...go out...groceries kids , they have the same disease I do?? but I used to work and go out...but had to quit 7 ish years ago...thot it would be temporary....thot I d get a good rest....I m still resting...</P>
<P>the fatigue and lethargy just wont go ....I always used to rebound from set backs physically and </P>
<P>mentally...but just dont seem to in the past yr or so...positive attitude ..oh this will pass is so gone...</P>
<P>used to love to cook, need to paint living room...lately cant even book ahead to make arrangements for going out to dinner.....havent done anything social really since July 1st BBQ.</P>
<P>Geez now dont you feel better? Im more of a drag then my Fev is 96% it is down... people think if FeV i higher they will feel better ...I dont know whats happening to friend is only 45 %...and she feels better than me and is doing more...</P>
<P>i have a productive cough...she does not...but still cant seem to shake it off and get back in the game of life...</P>
<P>Geez hope I havent depressed you more...Hope you feel better for your birthday dinner and holidays next week...I think you will....</P>
<P>Cheers Gunelle...</P>


New member
don't feel bad I had my first "bad" birthday since turning 25. This year is 33. Some years birthdays can be difficult reminders. Other years, and most, they are cause for celebration. I say go with it. It's your day and if you need to grieve let it hang out. Tomorrow will be a better day.

My birthday is 9/11 by the way.


New member
don't feel bad I had my first "bad" birthday since turning 25. This year is 33. Some years birthdays can be difficult reminders. Other years, and most, they are cause for celebration. I say go with it. It's your day and if you need to grieve let it hang out. Tomorrow will be a better day.

My birthday is 9/11 by the way.


New member
don't feel bad I had my first "bad" birthday since turning 25. This year is 33. Some years birthdays can be difficult reminders. Other years, and most, they are cause for celebration. I say go with it. It's your day and if you need to grieve let it hang out. Tomorrow will be a better day.
<br />
<br />My birthday is 9/11 by the way.


Thanks for your responses <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I did have a good birthday party after all. Managed to have the energy to enjoy my self and celebrate. Still haven't started on the projected I have which is to take some pictures of our home, and blog about it. Liz, home for me is the Faroe Islands. A small group of islands situated in the mid atlantic, between Norway and Iceland. I live in Spain though, have done for 4 years. Looking forward to going on holiday back home <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

thanks again for the replys.


Thanks for your responses <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I did have a good birthday party after all. Managed to have the energy to enjoy my self and celebrate. Still haven't started on the projected I have which is to take some pictures of our home, and blog about it. Liz, home for me is the Faroe Islands. A small group of islands situated in the mid atlantic, between Norway and Iceland. I live in Spain though, have done for 4 years. Looking forward to going on holiday back home <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

thanks again for the replys.


Thanks for your responses <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I did have a good birthday party after all. Managed to have the energy to enjoy my self and celebrate. Still haven't started on the projected I have which is to take some pictures of our home, and blog about it. Liz, home for me is the Faroe Islands. A small group of islands situated in the mid atlantic, between Norway and Iceland. I live in Spain though, have done for 4 years. Looking forward to going on holiday back home <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />thanks again for the replys.


New member
Gunelle, you have no idea how the Topic Summary resonated with me.

Yesterday was my birthday (40). I started it with a run in Central Park, where the men's and women's races were done sequentially. After my run, I was sitting on a bench feeling pretty low. The run did not go all that well (they never do anymore). I knew my sister was out there flying along at 8:40 minutes per mile and having a great time. I looked around and with all the women running, all I saw was young fathers with their young kids all waiting for mommy. I am single. I am childless. And given that I'm being considered for transplant, will probably always be childless. Like I said, I was feeling pretty low. And sorry for myself.

But then I thought, "Snap of it a-hole. You've had adventures these guys will never have. You can spoil your friends' kids if you want. You may not have perfect health anymore, but you're not dead yet. So stop being a whiny little biatch." That little pep talk (eerily enough done in my dad's voice), really helped.

You'll be OK.


New member
Gunelle, you have no idea how the Topic Summary resonated with me.

Yesterday was my birthday (40). I started it with a run in Central Park, where the men's and women's races were done sequentially. After my run, I was sitting on a bench feeling pretty low. The run did not go all that well (they never do anymore). I knew my sister was out there flying along at 8:40 minutes per mile and having a great time. I looked around and with all the women running, all I saw was young fathers with their young kids all waiting for mommy. I am single. I am childless. And given that I'm being considered for transplant, will probably always be childless. Like I said, I was feeling pretty low. And sorry for myself.

But then I thought, "Snap of it a-hole. You've had adventures these guys will never have. You can spoil your friends' kids if you want. You may not have perfect health anymore, but you're not dead yet. So stop being a whiny little biatch." That little pep talk (eerily enough done in my dad's voice), really helped.

You'll be OK.


New member
Gunelle, you have no idea how the Topic Summary resonated with me.
<br />
<br />Yesterday was my birthday (40). I started it with a run in Central Park, where the men's and women's races were done sequentially. After my run, I was sitting on a bench feeling pretty low. The run did not go all that well (they never do anymore). I knew my sister was out there flying along at 8:40 minutes per mile and having a great time. I looked around and with all the women running, all I saw was young fathers with their young kids all waiting for mommy. I am single. I am childless. And given that I'm being considered for transplant, will probably always be childless. Like I said, I was feeling pretty low. And sorry for myself.
<br />
<br />But then I thought, "Snap of it a-hole. You've had adventures these guys will never have. You can spoil your friends' kids if you want. You may not have perfect health anymore, but you're not dead yet. So stop being a whiny little biatch." That little pep talk (eerily enough done in my dad's voice), really helped.
<br />
<br />You'll be OK.
<br />Cris