Molds and Mildew


New member
Big Question ... My grandson is 6; been treated a lot for pneumonia; now won't clear up ... the coughing etc. ... Is going to get tested for allergies as well as CF. Does MOLDS and MILDEW in the home hinder the health of a person with CF ?


New member
Sandy, molds and mildews can affect anybody, but especially those with allergies and yes, even moreso to someone with CF. CFer's grow bacteria in their lungs that the "average" person w/o CF wouldn't be affected by. So if you throw in some not so common molds and mildews (and some are more damaging and harsh than others) and you can have a potentially serious issue.

You should also post this question in the adults or families section, not too many parents and adults venture over here, or post so you might get some more responses there. Let us know how the testing for your grandson goes and if you have any further questions.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
I live in damp, humid Seattle also known as mold capital USA. Let me tell ya keeping the funky stuff out of the house is a nightmare. You think you're on top of it but it sneaks up on you. Mold can be one of the worst things for a healthy person to be around so it definately is a no no for CF patients. You need to buy household cleaners that specifically kill mold mildew and fungus, if you're repainting have them add in that stuff that inhibits mold, and have your wall spaces and crawl spaces checked because mold can creep in through there.


New member
Molds are very dangerous. I worked at a place that had mold, in which I did not know about it. My pft's were going down, even being on tobi. Over a span of 6 months it sank 15% with no real reason. Everything else was stable.

I went and I spoke to my doc again, and I said about where I worked (which was another department in the hospital) Before I could finish he said, "they had a flood in ther e 2 years ago. Mold, you have mold in your lungs. I can't believe we didn't pick it up on a culture. You have to get out of there as soon as you can."

So, within 3 weeks I was done. I think the hospital was glad I didn't sue, but I am not into that. I just wanted my lungs to get better. During the month after, I coughed up so much nasty looking mucus, I felt like I was a smoker or something. I came down with a crazy cold, on drugs again, and doing longer and harder therapy's. But, after all said and done, my pft's went right back up. It was pretty scary actually, doing everything and not understanding the source of the problem. out, I am very careful about it now.

Tessa 23wcf


New member
oh how cool, i thought i was only one from seattle aka "the swamp". OH yes ive had lot of trouble w/ the molds, they r so different and it is soo much mor difficult to kill thm from the lungs once theyve settled, so best advice avoid them at all cost cause there's so really icky ones( i think one is asprallgus?) But it's nice to know other cfers can surviv here as well............
take care


New member
That is a good question, re: how does one pick up mold in the culture? I don't know. That is what my doc said. I imagine there is a mold bateria that can grow that is super small in the culture. Discussing if you ask me, but CF really is in many many venues.

Thanks! Yeah...I am glad we got to the bottom of the problem. I am very careful about apartments and such.

Tessa 27 w/cf


New member
The reason why common (or not so common molds) are NOT picked up in a CF sputum culture is because it is just that a CF SPUTUM CULTURE. There exist all sorts of different sputum cultures, and cultures for that matter that test an array of different things. In order to identify the mold, someone would have to request that a mold panel be added to their existing CF sputum culture.



New member

Yeah...that's what I figured, because I am sure there are thousands of different types of cultures. Obviously, mold searching isn't a rountine culture. Although, I find it kind of interesting because when my doc brought it up, it was like "they should have picked it up." Maybe the clinic I go to they do some sort of general mold testing. I lived in Mn where my clinic was and sometimes is. The weather can get pretty hairy.
