I understand doctors know more but they do not know everything. I suffered for a year with various GI symptoms, weight loss, vitamin deficiencies and pain while my CF docs played musical enzymes before a GI found I also have Celiac disease. I then suffered for months two years later because my body was cross-reacting to dairy proteins the same way it does to gluten, which is common among Celiac sufferers while my rheumatologist and three CF doctors scratched their empty heads and suggested it was fibromyalgia. (My PCM, an internal medicine specialist and Celiac expert figured it out eventually.) When I was 18 and losing weight from constant vomiting I had numerous tests and listened while my CF docs argued possible causes at the foot of my hospital bed until a new doc came in the room and told me I needed nexium because my stomach acid was eating my pills before they could work, (she was right and the other docs visibly scoffed at her and informed her I didn't have heartburn). Within a month on nexium I gained back my list weight and have been on it ever since. I have lived in five different states and been to as many CF clinics in the last ten years and every place is different and if you put all those docs in a room together and told them to agree on a treatment for one patient there would be fist fights. I'm not saying they are incompetent, I'm just saying there is a reason they call it "practicing" medicine.
Heathercrittendon: ignore printer, he feels some type of authority due to his age and I'm happy for him that he's had such good fortune with his CF doctors but these people are doctors, not Gods, trust them but do your own research and ask questions and if you feel something is wrong pursue answers.
Personally, if your daughter hasn't been tested for Celiacs get tested, it's a commonly missed illness and the genetic population is the same as those with CF, as are the vitamin deficiencies and symptoms. Currently 3-5% of the CF population has been diagnosed with Celiacs but that number might be higher if more doctors considered testing when a CF patient doesn't respond to typically affective treatments.
I would also consider adding nexium or protonix to help enzymes work effectively.
Printer: I would hope that someone your age would spend their time and self-proclaimed expert knowledge becoming a positive uplifting source of support to the CF community but if that's not something you are capable of perhaps you should seek mental help to determine why acting in such a way to strangers is something you feel you must do. Basically, what I'm getting at is don't be such a tool. People come here for support, not judgement.