My son (15) was tested for CF a little over a month ago because of reoccurring pneumonia. His pneumonia has always been treated with steriods and antibiotics and he has recovered quickly. He has never been hospitalized. When we sweat tested (at an accredited CF center at Texas Children's Hospital) he came back with a positive 60/62 result. He had a stool test and was found to be pancreatic sufficient. He had PFT'S and x-rays which both have shown to be symptomatic of CF. The doctors decided to do a second sweat test (at my son's request) and the numbers returned at 57/54. Because of the positive numbers the first time and high numbers the second time the doctors have decided to keep the diagnosis of CF. We had full panel genetic testing done (testing over 1000 mutations) but no mutations were found. The doctors said new mutations are being found out daily and maybe he has one that has not been discovered. Within the month he has had bronchitis again (treated again with antibiotics). He has also been throat cultured 2 times and they have found staph growing in his culture. The Dr's referred his case for research and he was accepted by Johns Hopkins into their research trials. We are still waiting to find out what will happen next. The doctors ordered a 3rd sweat test and a CT scan and results came back today. Sweat test was 44/44 and the doctor said the CT showed swollen airways. My son is currently being treated with Xopenex, Hypersal and accapella to keep his airways clear. Is this CF or not? What is your opinion? Has anyone else sweat tested multiple times and come up with different test results?