I agree with Melissa's statment, "There is power in numbers". Maybe if we all agree (as stenatorgraham said) on some specific things we wish to suggest they do a piece on, that would help. I still think a number of different people should submit emails though. If they get just one email, it might just get the delete button. If they get 2, 4, 7, 12 emails, the first might get deleted, but they might see that somethings up.
My main area of concern, that I want to address (because my husband deals with it everyday) is that THERE ARE ADULTS ALIVE WHO HAVE CF, and they need support with everything that comes along with it. Some people seem to be aware that some children have CF, and most people think CF is JUST a childhood disease-as it use to be. But people's eyes seem to pop out of their heads when they learn that there are people in their 20's, 30's 50's who have CF, and are living fulfilling lives. There isn't much information, or support for those who are growing older, getting married, going to college, trying to have children, trying to hold jobs full or part time, and I would like that to change. Awareness has to start somewhere.
Here's my email address in case anybody wants to make some suggestions, division902@hotmail.com. Or, we can just keep using this post to toss ideas back and fourth. I'd like to have something substantial put together, (ideas or a general letter that we can add personal tidbits to) by this weekend so we can all start emailing not this week, but next week. If anybody has anything else, please please post it or email!!
ooh, and I like the idea of emailing 60 minutes, dateline, the today show; i never watch oprah so if she does stuff like this, what do you think? I say we get in touch with all of them.