I must say " your arrogance is overwhelming"!!!! Do you think for a second that I find that all of you have forgotten about the chain of life? It's callled "self preservation"!!!!!! If your child is the one child that really, really, really needs that lung transplant, are you telling me for one second that you would in turn hand those life saving organs over to your best friends,who also require those life saving tissues..out of the goodness of your heart? Because you're so selfless? I don't think so! Call me selfish or don't call me at all, but I will walk through fire before letting my child die. What I am saying is that, if your child has a predetermined death such as Getting hit by a bus, I wouldn't expect you to throw her/him in front of the next bus coming. I by no meens keep my child in a bubble, nor is my house germ free at that, however, like I stated before if is a matter of time before they figure it out that they cross contaminate at school. (like the peanut allergy, you see immediate results, such as a allergic reaction, however, with CF, it could take weeks or at the least till next clinic.) I would cut out my own lung, before throwing my child in front of that bus. ( if you get my drift ) I don't understand why you all don't see my point, that younger children don't necessarilly wash their hands or cough in a tissue. As they get older and are more responsible "YES", absolutely they can attend school together, at a later age they can respect the boundaries of personal space, but with my son who doesn't have CF, for a second, do you think I would let him be in harms way even though he doesn't have CF, "NO", I would put the same expectations on him such as don't play with someone who has ...say..."LICE" or "PNEUMONIA"or "SHINGLES" ect.... Just because I am more vocal then most, I would like to point out as well that you are RIGHT!!!!!! I can be walking down the street and pass unknowingly someone with CF. HOwever, when the danger is presented to you, or your made aware of the danger, it puts you in a possiton to act in the best interest of your child. If you are not aware of the danger walking around you, then "YES", you are playing a game called "russian roulette". It's like you know that you are going to die in a pool. DO you
a)go swimming alone
b)don't wear your life jacket
c)dive into the shallow end
d)all of the above
I highly doubt you would chose any for your child/children. You are all lucky to have made great relations with fellow CFers, that are irreplacible, however, remember you are of a mature callaber. Back in the old days, we didn't know of the danger, but now, we can and should be more cautious till we know for sure we are not putting each other in harms way. There are other ways of communication. I am just saying that my personal belief, I will always eer on the side of caution when it comes to my young and precious children. YOu can sh**t on me, and beat on me, but no one can ever touch my babies, to the death.
take care hope I got my point accross, I'm not hear to argue. I just have my opinion and you have yours.
PS what if you had contaminated one of your friends by accident, how would you feel, or visa/versa?