moving to a new town


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I know with HIPAA it is probably not possible but how do you determine if there is another cf'er in your child's school. Would the school nurse be able to answer that question? Thanks. Paula


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My daughter is in a private school, so I expect this info to be different if your child is going to a public school. We let the principal know about our daughter's CF and asked that she be kept away from any other CFer's currently in the school. My daughter is in 3rd grade and we were told that there is another girl in the 6th grade with CF (her family is very open about it). Most of their breaks and lunches are at different times so there was little chance of them coming in close contact with eachother. Maybe you could request (if there are any other CFers) that they be assigned to different classrooms and even lunch/recess periods if possible.


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We were concerned about this with our son starting kindergarten this fall. I just asked the school nurse and she was able to tell me no. I don't see why it would be a problem to say "yes" or "no" as long as they are not giving names. There was a possibility my son would be zoned for another school as well and in this instance, I was also able to just call up the nurse and ask if other CF children attended that school. Hope that helps.



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What I don't understand is, "why are peanuts banned from schools". Peanuts are banned from schools intirelly because the faculty cannot guarantee that no one child will be in contact with ANY peanut from any other student!! Therefore I ask, how can they guarantee that two CFers will not at any point of time, share any kind of bacteria VIA...sink, school plays, meetings in the gym, bathroom stalls, coughing while walking by each other, touching a door handle, playing together at recess ect.ect ect......... Although, it hasn't been proven yet, that cross-contamination can occur in schools, it has already been determined that Cf camps have caused deadly cross-contaminations, therefore they no longer have CF camps, get-togethers. There is also a study that CF clinics accross the countries are cross-contaminating at hospitals during clinic visits. A strain has been showing up, and is secluded to only CFers. It is only a matter of time, before they realize that in school, there is great risk of contamination. I will, NO OFFENSE!!! but will not risk my childs life in the least, by sharing a school with another CFer. I would hope, that you loved your child as much, by not putting them in unneccesay risk for the sake of pride. Their are so many schools to choose from, I don't see why, anyone wouldn't choose to drive their child to a different school.Their are other ways for your children to remain close friends with other CFers. Their are phones, computer msn ect.. As our children get older, I meen 15, 17, 20, they have the ability to respect their friends space, theirs friends properties, such as cups and forks, but at a young innecent age, I suggest not taking any chances. good luck I have in the past called many schools inside and outside of my community and made an educated dicision after wards. You should do the same.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I would hope, that you loved your child as much, by not putting them in unneccesay risk for the sake of pride. <hr></blockquote>

Why is it a matter of pride??? And what one mother chooses to do, even if you don't agree, doesn't mean she does or doesn't love her child. Seeing other CFers has its benefits as well, and maybe one mother will think those outweigh the negatives. I personally think they do (or can, depending on circumstances). Maybe this mother will too. And if she does, there's nothing saying that it means she doesn't love her child.


New member
Twenty years ago, when EMily was little, we had a CHristmas party every year for the CFer's in CT. EVerything was donated by companies from all over the state and we had kids come from all over the state. We know now that was probably asking for trouble, but the fun they had together was SO WORTH IT! Emily had friends that only they could understand what the other one was living with. One of her best friends when she was little was (at the bottom of her posts ) Ami Chester. Actually, most of her friends (except 2 or 3 local kids) were all CFers.
She has friends now who are adult CFers and when weighing the benefits versus the downside, there are lots of benefits from having contact with CFers. Who else understands the daily sh*t they live with than someone else living with the same crap? SHe doesn't hang out with them every day, but I think having CF friends is a good thing (at least for Emily!)


New member
not this again. people should remember that you have no right to ask about details of other children apart from your own. sucks, but hey, its for the protection of the children. doesnt mean you cant ask though. if you do go ahead and ask and you go about it in the right way you will probably get a straight answer. if you storm into the office and demand to know whether there are other cf'ers and be hostile you will either be lied to or not told at all.

now onto this whole 'there should be only 1 cfer per school wah wah'. sorry guys but there are only a certain amount of schools and 2 or more cfers are bound to end up in 1 school. people need to learn to deal with this. use a bit of common sense. set up meetings with the school and other family so you can learn about each other and tell the kids not to cough on, touch, share things with each other and to wash their hands. you can request your kid to be in separate classes but if this is not possible then TOUGH LUCK! if you make unreasonable demands and become hostile towards the school and other family you will get nowhere. if you tell your kid to treat the other as if they had the plague, expect problems.

lastly, if you dont like the situation, ITS YOUR PROBLEM, NO ONE ELSES!!! take your kid elsewhere, homeschool em, go and guilt trip the other party, whatever, the only person who is going to lose sleep if you throw a tizzy is you and your kid, and you will make some enemies in the process like some previous posters have. you are not protecting your kid by being overly paranoid. being reasonable about it doesnt mean you love your child less either.

sorry about this, but im seriously sick of parents coming on here with the whole 'oh my god there is another cfer in the school *panic*' and badmouthing the other cfer.


New member
The town we are moving to has only one school. What I was hoping for is if another Cf'er is at the school that they would be put in different classes. That is all. If my child's health was at all at risk I would look for other options. Thanks for the positive support. Paula


New member
oh paula i just realised my post may have come across as if i was aiming it at you. my post was aimed at the parents who have already gone to the extremes and really how to prevent ending up like them.


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I'm not sure whether schools can give out this information (personally I hope they cannot).

Just wanted to point out that throughout your child's life, they will be out in public .... and possibly in contact many times with someone harboring "bugs" (Cf related or otherwise). I feel if you focus on this fact too much, it will drive you crazy!

Have a good day everyone


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Matter of Pride? We let our daughters school know about her CF and know of one other student at the school that also has CF. But since they are in different grades and their breaks are at different times the risk of cross contamination is limited. Does that mean I love my daughter less because I don't pull her out of school?! I don't think so! EVERYONE takes a risk when they decide to live! What do you want me to do? Keep her locked up in a bubble with no contact with anyone/anything? I guess we won't be going to Disneyland any time soon, because who knows, maybe another CFer just rode the same ride and forget about going shopping with me, there has probably been another person with CF that has been through the same checkout line! We do our best to "protect" her from germs, but it doesn't mean we are going to stop her from leading and normal LIFE!


New member
I must say " your arrogance is overwhelming"!!!! Do you think for a second that I find that all of you have forgotten about the chain of life? It's callled "self preservation"!!!!!! If your child is the one child that really, really, really needs that lung transplant, are you telling me for one second that you would in turn hand those life saving organs over to your best friends,who also require those life saving tissues..out of the goodness of your heart? Because you're so selfless? I don't think so! Call me selfish or don't call me at all, but I will walk through fire before letting my child die. What I am saying is that, if your child has a predetermined death such as Getting hit by a bus, I wouldn't expect you to throw her/him in front of the next bus coming. I by no meens keep my child in a bubble, nor is my house germ free at that, however, like I stated before if is a matter of time before they figure it out that they cross contaminate at school. (like the peanut allergy, you see immediate results, such as a allergic reaction, however, with CF, it could take weeks or at the least till next clinic.) I would cut out my own lung, before throwing my child in front of that bus. ( if you get my drift ) I don't understand why you all don't see my point, that younger children don't necessarilly wash their hands or cough in a tissue. As they get older and are more responsible "YES", absolutely they can attend school together, at a later age they can respect the boundaries of personal space, but with my son who doesn't have CF, for a second, do you think I would let him be in harms way even though he doesn't have CF, "NO", I would put the same expectations on him such as don't play with someone who has ...say..."LICE" or "PNEUMONIA"or "SHINGLES" ect.... Just because I am more vocal then most, I would like to point out as well that you are RIGHT!!!!!! I can be walking down the street and pass unknowingly someone with CF. HOwever, when the danger is presented to you, or your made aware of the danger, it puts you in a possiton to act in the best interest of your child. If you are not aware of the danger walking around you, then "YES", you are playing a game called "russian roulette". It's like you know that you are going to die in a pool. DO you
a)go swimming alone
b)don't wear your life jacket
c)dive into the shallow end
d)all of the above

I highly doubt you would chose any for your child/children. You are all lucky to have made great relations with fellow CFers, that are irreplacible, however, remember you are of a mature callaber. Back in the old days, we didn't know of the danger, but now, we can and should be more cautious till we know for sure we are not putting each other in harms way. There are other ways of communication. I am just saying that my personal belief, I will always eer on the side of caution when it comes to my young and precious children. YOu can sh**t on me, and beat on me, but no one can ever touch my babies, to the death.
take care hope I got my point accross, I'm not hear to argue. I just have my opinion and you have yours.
PS what if you had contaminated one of your friends by accident, how would you feel, or visa/versa?


New member
Okay then Kylie, if no one else (I still think we have reasonable arguments, but don't care to beat them into the ground... except for this one), still holds a good point. If there's already a CFer at that school, and you have a problem with your child attending school with another CFer, that's YOUR PROBLEM. You need to make arrangements, move, change schools, whatever, because that child is already there, and it's not their problem.


New member
wow anon. a whole bunch of comparisons that have nothing to do with cf or the discussion at the moment. im sure that most people wont appreciate what you are implying to those parents who are reasonable about this either. by the way 'back in the old days' we did know about cross infection. we just used common sense back then unlike now where everyone is being told exaggerated stories and become paranoid and rude in situations where there might be germs. by the way, when i first started school everyone was taught proper hygiene and we all understood it clearly. certainly cant see why kids these days cant be taught that.


New member
Our CF Certified Doctor warned us about cross contamination when our daughter started school. He must have saw the look of terror in my eyes. He said don't overprotect, just find out if there is another CFer in the classroom. If there was, I was to request that they sit on opposite sides of the classroom and encourage proper hygiene (ie: handwashing, tissues...). I feel sorry for this mom (and her child too) that is soooo overprotective. These germs are found other places besides on other CFers so she would have to "put the child in a bubble" to keep them away from germs. Finding out about the risk at school (whether or not there are other CFers) and doing what you can to lessen the risks is what I would expect any reasonable, loving parent to do.