moving to Maryland, need help!


New member
Hi Everyone,

So, my husband and I are moving to Bethesda, MD this year some time and I need help researching the CF life out there. Here are some of my basic questions:

What clinics do you go to?
How does the weather affect your disease?
Are there any government programs that help with insurance?

Whatever you can tell me would be helpful. I'm a Cali girl so this is going to be a big adventure for me!




New member
Hi Everyone,

So, my husband and I are moving to Bethesda, MD this year some time and I need help researching the CF life out there. Here are some of my basic questions:

What clinics do you go to?
How does the weather affect your disease?
Are there any government programs that help with insurance?

Whatever you can tell me would be helpful. I'm a Cali girl so this is going to be a big adventure for me!




New member
Hi Everyone,

So, my husband and I are moving to Bethesda, MD this year some time and I need help researching the CF life out there. Here are some of my basic questions:

What clinics do you go to?
How does the weather affect your disease?
Are there any government programs that help with insurance?

Whatever you can tell me would be helpful. I'm a Cali girl so this is going to be a big adventure for me!




New member
Hi Everyone,

So, my husband and I are moving to Bethesda, MD this year some time and I need help researching the CF life out there. Here are some of my basic questions:

What clinics do you go to?
How does the weather affect your disease?
Are there any government programs that help with insurance?

Whatever you can tell me would be helpful. I'm a Cali girl so this is going to be a big adventure for me!




New member
Hi Everyone,
<br />
<br />So, my husband and I are moving to Bethesda, MD this year some time and I need help researching the CF life out there. Here are some of my basic questions:
<br />
<br />What clinics do you go to?
<br />How does the weather affect your disease?
<br />Are there any government programs that help with insurance?
<br />
<br />Whatever you can tell me would be helpful. I'm a Cali girl so this is going to be a big adventure for me!
<br />
<br />Thanks!
<br />Lindy
<br />
<br />29w/CF


New member
I live in Maryland not to far from Bethesda my girls go to Johns Hopkins Hospitals cf clinic and I'm not sure but I think NIH in Bethesda has a cf center, as for the weather I have one child that has no problems with it and one that can't take the heat or the cold so she has a harder time . as for programs for help I don't know the only thing we get is SSI for one child but if there are programs the cf clinic would help you with that.


New member
I live in Maryland not to far from Bethesda my girls go to Johns Hopkins Hospitals cf clinic and I'm not sure but I think NIH in Bethesda has a cf center, as for the weather I have one child that has no problems with it and one that can't take the heat or the cold so she has a harder time . as for programs for help I don't know the only thing we get is SSI for one child but if there are programs the cf clinic would help you with that.


New member
I live in Maryland not to far from Bethesda my girls go to Johns Hopkins Hospitals cf clinic and I'm not sure but I think NIH in Bethesda has a cf center, as for the weather I have one child that has no problems with it and one that can't take the heat or the cold so she has a harder time . as for programs for help I don't know the only thing we get is SSI for one child but if there are programs the cf clinic would help you with that.


New member
I live in Maryland not to far from Bethesda my girls go to Johns Hopkins Hospitals cf clinic and I'm not sure but I think NIH in Bethesda has a cf center, as for the weather I have one child that has no problems with it and one that can't take the heat or the cold so she has a harder time . as for programs for help I don't know the only thing we get is SSI for one child but if there are programs the cf clinic would help you with that.


New member
I live in Maryland not to far from Bethesda my girls go to Johns Hopkins Hospitals cf clinic and I'm not sure but I think NIH in Bethesda has a cf center, as for the weather I have one child that has no problems with it and one that can't take the heat or the cold so she has a harder time . as for programs for help I don't know the only thing we get is SSI for one child but if there are programs the cf clinic would help you with that.


New member
I'm afraid that I wont be much help...but I'll try.

I live in Pa and drive an hour and a half to NIH (National Institutes of Heath) for my CF clinic. I'm in a study for adult patients with Cystic Fibrosis. (I'm not sure if they are accepting new patients or not)
There is also the Naval Hospital with A CF clinic (I think it may only be for children but I'm not sure) across the street; if you'd qualify for that I don't know...but its there. Then as stressed pointed out there is also John Hopkins. I had a choice between there and NIH but chose NIH due to the fact that I have other medical conditions that I go there for.
As for the weather; I have issues if it gets too hot, and also issues when it gets too cold. I still work; although part time if that says anything.

As for government programs to help with insurance; I really don't know the answer to that one. Since I'm in a government funded study, I don't really have too many medical bills related to CF (For that I am extremely thankful) other than the vest and pulmozyme.

I grew up on Frederick, Md and about 3 years ago moved right over the state line to PA. I found a link for some other clinical trials going on at NIH(<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">NIH</a>) Mine is a lifetime study and I didn't look through the whole list to see if it was there or not. Hope my info was somewhat helpful; I'll check back later on to see if you have any other questions or you can PM me if you'd like.

30 W/CF

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""> assistance page</a>
Sorry this was all I could find right now...


New member
I'm afraid that I wont be much help...but I'll try.

I live in Pa and drive an hour and a half to NIH (National Institutes of Heath) for my CF clinic. I'm in a study for adult patients with Cystic Fibrosis. (I'm not sure if they are accepting new patients or not)
There is also the Naval Hospital with A CF clinic (I think it may only be for children but I'm not sure) across the street; if you'd qualify for that I don't know...but its there. Then as stressed pointed out there is also John Hopkins. I had a choice between there and NIH but chose NIH due to the fact that I have other medical conditions that I go there for.
As for the weather; I have issues if it gets too hot, and also issues when it gets too cold. I still work; although part time if that says anything.

As for government programs to help with insurance; I really don't know the answer to that one. Since I'm in a government funded study, I don't really have too many medical bills related to CF (For that I am extremely thankful) other than the vest and pulmozyme.

I grew up on Frederick, Md and about 3 years ago moved right over the state line to PA. I found a link for some other clinical trials going on at NIH(<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">NIH</a>) Mine is a lifetime study and I didn't look through the whole list to see if it was there or not. Hope my info was somewhat helpful; I'll check back later on to see if you have any other questions or you can PM me if you'd like.

30 W/CF

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""> assistance page</a>
Sorry this was all I could find right now...


New member
I'm afraid that I wont be much help...but I'll try.

I live in Pa and drive an hour and a half to NIH (National Institutes of Heath) for my CF clinic. I'm in a study for adult patients with Cystic Fibrosis. (I'm not sure if they are accepting new patients or not)
There is also the Naval Hospital with A CF clinic (I think it may only be for children but I'm not sure) across the street; if you'd qualify for that I don't know...but its there. Then as stressed pointed out there is also John Hopkins. I had a choice between there and NIH but chose NIH due to the fact that I have other medical conditions that I go there for.
As for the weather; I have issues if it gets too hot, and also issues when it gets too cold. I still work; although part time if that says anything.

As for government programs to help with insurance; I really don't know the answer to that one. Since I'm in a government funded study, I don't really have too many medical bills related to CF (For that I am extremely thankful) other than the vest and pulmozyme.

I grew up on Frederick, Md and about 3 years ago moved right over the state line to PA. I found a link for some other clinical trials going on at NIH(<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">NIH</a>) Mine is a lifetime study and I didn't look through the whole list to see if it was there or not. Hope my info was somewhat helpful; I'll check back later on to see if you have any other questions or you can PM me if you'd like.

30 W/CF

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""> assistance page</a>
Sorry this was all I could find right now...


New member
I'm afraid that I wont be much help...but I'll try.

I live in Pa and drive an hour and a half to NIH (National Institutes of Heath) for my CF clinic. I'm in a study for adult patients with Cystic Fibrosis. (I'm not sure if they are accepting new patients or not)
There is also the Naval Hospital with A CF clinic (I think it may only be for children but I'm not sure) across the street; if you'd qualify for that I don't know...but its there. Then as stressed pointed out there is also John Hopkins. I had a choice between there and NIH but chose NIH due to the fact that I have other medical conditions that I go there for.
As for the weather; I have issues if it gets too hot, and also issues when it gets too cold. I still work; although part time if that says anything.

As for government programs to help with insurance; I really don't know the answer to that one. Since I'm in a government funded study, I don't really have too many medical bills related to CF (For that I am extremely thankful) other than the vest and pulmozyme.

I grew up on Frederick, Md and about 3 years ago moved right over the state line to PA. I found a link for some other clinical trials going on at NIH(<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">NIH</a>) Mine is a lifetime study and I didn't look through the whole list to see if it was there or not. Hope my info was somewhat helpful; I'll check back later on to see if you have any other questions or you can PM me if you'd like.

30 W/CF

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""> assistance page</a>
Sorry this was all I could find right now...


New member
I'm afraid that I wont be much help...but I'll try.
<br />
<br />I live in Pa and drive an hour and a half to NIH (National Institutes of Heath) for my CF clinic. I'm in a study for adult patients with Cystic Fibrosis. (I'm not sure if they are accepting new patients or not)
<br />There is also the Naval Hospital with A CF clinic (I think it may only be for children but I'm not sure) across the street; if you'd qualify for that I don't know...but its there. Then as stressed pointed out there is also John Hopkins. I had a choice between there and NIH but chose NIH due to the fact that I have other medical conditions that I go there for.
<br />As for the weather; I have issues if it gets too hot, and also issues when it gets too cold. I still work; although part time if that says anything.
<br />
<br />As for government programs to help with insurance; I really don't know the answer to that one. Since I'm in a government funded study, I don't really have too many medical bills related to CF (For that I am extremely thankful) other than the vest and pulmozyme.
<br />
<br />I grew up on Frederick, Md and about 3 years ago moved right over the state line to PA. I found a link for some other clinical trials going on at NIH(<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">NIH</a>) Mine is a lifetime study and I didn't look through the whole list to see if it was there or not. Hope my info was somewhat helpful; I'll check back later on to see if you have any other questions or you can PM me if you'd like.
<br />
<br />Chrissy
<br />30 W/CF
<br />
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""> assistance page</a>
<br />Sorry this was all I could find right now...
<br />


New member

I live in Fredericksburg, VA but I am military dependent so my brother and I are seen at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda Maryland. They have both a pediatric and a new adult clinic. I really don't know the criteria for being seen at the Naval hospital because I have Tri-Care insurance. Also as others have posted, NIH is directly across the street from the Naval Hospital and they're facility researches CF, so I'm sure they should have a clinic. As far as the weather goes, other CFers in the clinic that moved from Cali tend to say they have allergy flair ups when they move to the east coast. It doesn't bother me too much because I've grown up around here. My little brother gets bothered by the weather every spring. He's allergic to everything from cats to grass so I would expect that from him. Hope your search goes well.


New member

I live in Fredericksburg, VA but I am military dependent so my brother and I are seen at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda Maryland. They have both a pediatric and a new adult clinic. I really don't know the criteria for being seen at the Naval hospital because I have Tri-Care insurance. Also as others have posted, NIH is directly across the street from the Naval Hospital and they're facility researches CF, so I'm sure they should have a clinic. As far as the weather goes, other CFers in the clinic that moved from Cali tend to say they have allergy flair ups when they move to the east coast. It doesn't bother me too much because I've grown up around here. My little brother gets bothered by the weather every spring. He's allergic to everything from cats to grass so I would expect that from him. Hope your search goes well.


New member

I live in Fredericksburg, VA but I am military dependent so my brother and I are seen at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda Maryland. They have both a pediatric and a new adult clinic. I really don't know the criteria for being seen at the Naval hospital because I have Tri-Care insurance. Also as others have posted, NIH is directly across the street from the Naval Hospital and they're facility researches CF, so I'm sure they should have a clinic. As far as the weather goes, other CFers in the clinic that moved from Cali tend to say they have allergy flair ups when they move to the east coast. It doesn't bother me too much because I've grown up around here. My little brother gets bothered by the weather every spring. He's allergic to everything from cats to grass so I would expect that from him. Hope your search goes well.


New member

I live in Fredericksburg, VA but I am military dependent so my brother and I are seen at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda Maryland. They have both a pediatric and a new adult clinic. I really don't know the criteria for being seen at the Naval hospital because I have Tri-Care insurance. Also as others have posted, NIH is directly across the street from the Naval Hospital and they're facility researches CF, so I'm sure they should have a clinic. As far as the weather goes, other CFers in the clinic that moved from Cali tend to say they have allergy flair ups when they move to the east coast. It doesn't bother me too much because I've grown up around here. My little brother gets bothered by the weather every spring. He's allergic to everything from cats to grass so I would expect that from him. Hope your search goes well.


New member
<br />
<br />I live in Fredericksburg, VA but I am military dependent so my brother and I are seen at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda Maryland. They have both a pediatric and a new adult clinic. I really don't know the criteria for being seen at the Naval hospital because I have Tri-Care insurance. Also as others have posted, NIH is directly across the street from the Naval Hospital and they're facility researches CF, so I'm sure they should have a clinic. As far as the weather goes, other CFers in the clinic that moved from Cali tend to say they have allergy flair ups when they move to the east coast. It doesn't bother me too much because I've grown up around here. My little brother gets bothered by the weather every spring. He's allergic to everything from cats to grass so I would expect that from him. Hope your search goes well.