
New member
Good Afternoon-Can someone give me some general information on MRSA. My husband (age 32) was told it was detected about year ago . Up until then he was very active and only needed to have IV's once every year or so. Within the last year he has been in the hospital 4 times and each time he has been admitted MRSA has returned. Does MRSA cause infection? The Doctors are not being very clear, most say it doesn't cause infection. Any information would be appreciated.


New member
To MSRA,You might find the following website to be of use at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). orif your cystic fibrosis care center does not have the information you are looking for or you feel that you need more information.... I would call the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as they should answer your questions or give further guidance.


New member
Hi im 16 and I have had MRSA for several years now b4 i got i was only in the hospital about once a year if that but now that i have im in about 4 times a year My doctor said that MRSA doesn't make you sicker but 90% of the ppl with it say they are in the hospital more


New member
Thank you for your reply. If you don't mind me asking do you treat the MRSA only when it flares up or do you treat it long-term?


New member
MRSA is Medication Resistant Staph Aureus. It means that the colonized staph is now resisitant to 4 or more antibiotics. Thus , making it more difficult to treat.


New member
I have had MRSA for about a year now and my DR only treats it when it flares up. I have been sick a little more often with the MRSA but my main problem with it is it will just drains me. I sleep for most of the day and I just relax the whole day. It also causes server pain in my lower back and left leg when it flares up. I get treated for it with antibiotics only if it has been detected in my sputum. I usually get a Cycline drug oral and if they doesn't work then I get IV's. I have heard from a lot of people that MRSA can affect everyone in a different way, but this is how it affects me.


New member
To MRSAI am 23 w/cf and 2 years ago they detected MRSA. Only it's on my skin rather than passed by coughing. My brother had it and I never caught it from him...I went into the hospital and caught it from another patient. Personally, it never really affected me until just recently when I got I'm on Cipro and Zyvox. I was always very healthy...going in the hospital once every 2 or 3 I'm in every year. I even had a child....Just last week my doctor started discussing a transplant with me. I don't know if my condition got worse because of the MRSA...what do you think?


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>MRSA is Medication Resistant Staph Aureus. It means that the colonized staph is now resisitant to 4 or more antibiotics. Thus , making it more difficult to treat.<hr></blockquote>This is what one of the comments were. I did not know either but I just read it here the other day.


New member
I have recently started to hear about using garlic to tame MRSA- I think we are going to try it. What have you heard about it?


New member
I am a 20 year old female with CF. I was diagnosed before 6 months, and was detected to have MRSA when I was just short of 17. I went into the hospital once for IV medication for it, and since then it hasn't really flared up. The only problem I get is that when I do go into the hospital, they have me on some kind of slight quarantine, meaning that any nurses or doctors that come into see me have to be gowned up, gloves, the whole deal. And they have to be extra careful in cleaning after they leave before they see anyone else. But other than that, I haven't had any physical effects of MRSA since the first time.. it's been over 3 years now. -Emily