Mucuos, Mucous, everywhere


Super Moderator
My house has been a whirlwind of activity with Maggie being sick and my husband sick with the same thing, so I am not getting any help cause he doesn't want to cough on her and he feels yucky, tired. This morning while Maggie was doing her HTS neb she was coughing alot so much so that she threw up and was using the mask of the neb to throw up into, then threw up on the couch. It was clear mucous and pretzels, pretty much. The antibiotic must upset her tummy and the HTS makes her cough so I think that's why she threw up, plus the extra mucous from being sick. I had already given her her predinsone and anti, but didn't see it in the mix of throw up(sorry if TMI) I plan on not giving her the anti and prednisone til AFTER her HTS, maybe that will help, plus give her time to have something in her tummy. Then , Maggie coughed and SPIT mucous on her princess phone. Again clear stuff. I had to sit down with and tell her I'm happy she's spitting it out but please use a tissue or ask for help from me and not to spit on the floor. My husband thought perhaps the prednisone is working to open up her airways to get this mucous out. Does this sound right? She is not wheezing anymore. Also, I think the prednisone may be making her hyper or wound up a bit. I hope all this mucous coming out means she's getter better and not worse. She usually does not have a productive cough .


Super Moderator
My house has been a whirlwind of activity with Maggie being sick and my husband sick with the same thing, so I am not getting any help cause he doesn't want to cough on her and he feels yucky, tired. This morning while Maggie was doing her HTS neb she was coughing alot so much so that she threw up and was using the mask of the neb to throw up into, then threw up on the couch. It was clear mucous and pretzels, pretty much. The antibiotic must upset her tummy and the HTS makes her cough so I think that's why she threw up, plus the extra mucous from being sick. I had already given her her predinsone and anti, but didn't see it in the mix of throw up(sorry if TMI) I plan on not giving her the anti and prednisone til AFTER her HTS, maybe that will help, plus give her time to have something in her tummy. Then , Maggie coughed and SPIT mucous on her princess phone. Again clear stuff. I had to sit down with and tell her I'm happy she's spitting it out but please use a tissue or ask for help from me and not to spit on the floor. My husband thought perhaps the prednisone is working to open up her airways to get this mucous out. Does this sound right? She is not wheezing anymore. Also, I think the prednisone may be making her hyper or wound up a bit. I hope all this mucous coming out means she's getter better and not worse. She usually does not have a productive cough .


Super Moderator
My house has been a whirlwind of activity with Maggie being sick and my husband sick with the same thing, so I am not getting any help cause he doesn't want to cough on her and he feels yucky, tired. This morning while Maggie was doing her HTS neb she was coughing alot so much so that she threw up and was using the mask of the neb to throw up into, then threw up on the couch. It was clear mucous and pretzels, pretty much. The antibiotic must upset her tummy and the HTS makes her cough so I think that's why she threw up, plus the extra mucous from being sick. I had already given her her predinsone and anti, but didn't see it in the mix of throw up(sorry if TMI) I plan on not giving her the anti and prednisone til AFTER her HTS, maybe that will help, plus give her time to have something in her tummy. Then , Maggie coughed and SPIT mucous on her princess phone. Again clear stuff. I had to sit down with and tell her I'm happy she's spitting it out but please use a tissue or ask for help from me and not to spit on the floor. My husband thought perhaps the prednisone is working to open up her airways to get this mucous out. Does this sound right? She is not wheezing anymore. Also, I think the prednisone may be making her hyper or wound up a bit. I hope all this mucous coming out means she's getter better and not worse. She usually does not have a productive cough .


Super Moderator
My house has been a whirlwind of activity with Maggie being sick and my husband sick with the same thing, so I am not getting any help cause he doesn't want to cough on her and he feels yucky, tired. This morning while Maggie was doing her HTS neb she was coughing alot so much so that she threw up and was using the mask of the neb to throw up into, then threw up on the couch. It was clear mucous and pretzels, pretty much. The antibiotic must upset her tummy and the HTS makes her cough so I think that's why she threw up, plus the extra mucous from being sick. I had already given her her predinsone and anti, but didn't see it in the mix of throw up(sorry if TMI) I plan on not giving her the anti and prednisone til AFTER her HTS, maybe that will help, plus give her time to have something in her tummy. Then , Maggie coughed and SPIT mucous on her princess phone. Again clear stuff. I had to sit down with and tell her I'm happy she's spitting it out but please use a tissue or ask for help from me and not to spit on the floor. My husband thought perhaps the prednisone is working to open up her airways to get this mucous out. Does this sound right? She is not wheezing anymore. Also, I think the prednisone may be making her hyper or wound up a bit. I hope all this mucous coming out means she's getter better and not worse. She usually does not have a productive cough .


Super Moderator
My house has been a whirlwind of activity with Maggie being sick and my husband sick with the same thing, so I am not getting any help cause he doesn't want to cough on her and he feels yucky, tired. This morning while Maggie was doing her HTS neb she was coughing alot so much so that she threw up and was using the mask of the neb to throw up into, then threw up on the couch. It was clear mucous and pretzels, pretty much. The antibiotic must upset her tummy and the HTS makes her cough so I think that's why she threw up, plus the extra mucous from being sick. I had already given her her predinsone and anti, but didn't see it in the mix of throw up(sorry if TMI) I plan on not giving her the anti and prednisone til AFTER her HTS, maybe that will help, plus give her time to have something in her tummy. Then , Maggie coughed and SPIT mucous on her princess phone. Again clear stuff. I had to sit down with and tell her I'm happy she's spitting it out but please use a tissue or ask for help from me and not to spit on the floor. My husband thought perhaps the prednisone is working to open up her airways to get this mucous out. Does this sound right? She is not wheezing anymore. Also, I think the prednisone may be making her hyper or wound up a bit. I hope all this mucous coming out means she's getter better and not worse. She usually does not have a productive cough .


Super Moderator
My house has been a whirlwind of activity with Maggie being sick and my husband sick with the same thing, so I am not getting any help cause he doesn't want to cough on her and he feels yucky, tired. This morning while Maggie was doing her HTS neb she was coughing alot so much so that she threw up and was using the mask of the neb to throw up into, then threw up on the couch. It was clear mucous and pretzels, pretty much. The antibiotic must upset her tummy and the HTS makes her cough so I think that's why she threw up, plus the extra mucous from being sick. I had already given her her predinsone and anti, but didn't see it in the mix of throw up(sorry if TMI) I plan on not giving her the anti and prednisone til AFTER her HTS, maybe that will help, plus give her time to have something in her tummy. Then , Maggie coughed and SPIT mucous on her princess phone. Again clear stuff. I had to sit down with and tell her I'm happy she's spitting it out but please use a tissue or ask for help from me and not to spit on the floor. My husband thought perhaps the prednisone is working to open up her airways to get this mucous out. Does this sound right? She is not wheezing anymore. Also, I think the prednisone may be making her hyper or wound up a bit. I hope all this mucous coming out means she's getter better and not worse. She usually does not have a productive cough .


New member
Ainsley was really sick a couple weeks back from swallowing too much mucous, how do you get them to spit it out?


New member
Ainsley was really sick a couple weeks back from swallowing too much mucous, how do you get them to spit it out?


New member
Ainsley was really sick a couple weeks back from swallowing too much mucous, how do you get them to spit it out?


New member
Ainsley was really sick a couple weeks back from swallowing too much mucous, how do you get them to spit it out?


New member
Ainsley was really sick a couple weeks back from swallowing too much mucous, how do you get them to spit it out?


New member
Ainsley was really sick a couple weeks back from swallowing too much mucous, how do you get them to spit it out?


Super Moderator

Maggie just kind of spit it out, first time she did this. She's 4 1/2. When she gets too much mucous in her throat or belly, sometimes she'll just throw-up. I think the hypertonic saline is what caused her to cough so much thus causing her to throw up the mucous. I also use Simply saline 3% nasal spray up her nose, have her blow out the snot into a tissue, when she is congested from a cold. Sometimes she's cooperative sometimes not. The way I got her to blow her nose was to tell her to pretend to blow out b-day candles with her nose to get the yuckies out. If she did it she got a treat(m&m) or something. HTH


Super Moderator

Maggie just kind of spit it out, first time she did this. She's 4 1/2. When she gets too much mucous in her throat or belly, sometimes she'll just throw-up. I think the hypertonic saline is what caused her to cough so much thus causing her to throw up the mucous. I also use Simply saline 3% nasal spray up her nose, have her blow out the snot into a tissue, when she is congested from a cold. Sometimes she's cooperative sometimes not. The way I got her to blow her nose was to tell her to pretend to blow out b-day candles with her nose to get the yuckies out. If she did it she got a treat(m&m) or something. HTH


Super Moderator

Maggie just kind of spit it out, first time she did this. She's 4 1/2. When she gets too much mucous in her throat or belly, sometimes she'll just throw-up. I think the hypertonic saline is what caused her to cough so much thus causing her to throw up the mucous. I also use Simply saline 3% nasal spray up her nose, have her blow out the snot into a tissue, when she is congested from a cold. Sometimes she's cooperative sometimes not. The way I got her to blow her nose was to tell her to pretend to blow out b-day candles with her nose to get the yuckies out. If she did it she got a treat(m&m) or something. HTH


Super Moderator

Maggie just kind of spit it out, first time she did this. She's 4 1/2. When she gets too much mucous in her throat or belly, sometimes she'll just throw-up. I think the hypertonic saline is what caused her to cough so much thus causing her to throw up the mucous. I also use Simply saline 3% nasal spray up her nose, have her blow out the snot into a tissue, when she is congested from a cold. Sometimes she's cooperative sometimes not. The way I got her to blow her nose was to tell her to pretend to blow out b-day candles with her nose to get the yuckies out. If she did it she got a treat(m&m) or something. HTH


Super Moderator

Maggie just kind of spit it out, first time she did this. She's 4 1/2. When she gets too much mucous in her throat or belly, sometimes she'll just throw-up. I think the hypertonic saline is what caused her to cough so much thus causing her to throw up the mucous. I also use Simply saline 3% nasal spray up her nose, have her blow out the snot into a tissue, when she is congested from a cold. Sometimes she's cooperative sometimes not. The way I got her to blow her nose was to tell her to pretend to blow out b-day candles with her nose to get the yuckies out. If she did it she got a treat(m&m) or something. HTH


Super Moderator

Maggie just kind of spit it out, first time she did this. She's 4 1/2. When she gets too much mucous in her throat or belly, sometimes she'll just throw-up. I think the hypertonic saline is what caused her to cough so much thus causing her to throw up the mucous. I also use Simply saline 3% nasal spray up her nose, have her blow out the snot into a tissue, when she is congested from a cold. Sometimes she's cooperative sometimes not. The way I got her to blow her nose was to tell her to pretend to blow out b-day candles with her nose to get the yuckies out. If she did it she got a treat(m&m) or something. HTH


New member
You're probably right about the prednisone helping. It has to be a good thing that the mucus is coming up. And you said it's clear, so I wouldn't worry. I'm glad she's not wheezing anymore. Definately try the meds after the vest and HS. Sometimes just giving Vinny his oral meds and doing manual CPT makes him vomit, especially since he gets the whole post nasal drip thing going on when sick, which makes him gag.


New member
You're probably right about the prednisone helping. It has to be a good thing that the mucus is coming up. And you said it's clear, so I wouldn't worry. I'm glad she's not wheezing anymore. Definately try the meds after the vest and HS. Sometimes just giving Vinny his oral meds and doing manual CPT makes him vomit, especially since he gets the whole post nasal drip thing going on when sick, which makes him gag.