Mucus Plug Question


New member
My 7 year old son had his first bronchoscopy today. He had a pneumonia Feb 11 and one two weeks later. First was bacterial and second viral (we think). CT showed an "infiltrate" in the left lung. Today the only finding was mucus plg (not sure if more than one) in the left lower lung. Is this anyone else has had experience with? Does this happen often? We will wait for culturing to know if he was growing anything in it. We also willbe beginning treatment with vest to avoid further problems. Is this something that is more common with CF kids? Does it happen often?
Thank you again for your help. I think this may have explained his "junky cough" and slight pain in the left lower back with chest percussion.


New member
My 7 year old son had his first bronchoscopy today. He had a pneumonia Feb 11 and one two weeks later. First was bacterial and second viral (we think). CT showed an "infiltrate" in the left lung. Today the only finding was mucus plg (not sure if more than one) in the left lower lung. Is this anyone else has had experience with? Does this happen often? We will wait for culturing to know if he was growing anything in it. We also willbe beginning treatment with vest to avoid further problems. Is this something that is more common with CF kids? Does it happen often?
Thank you again for your help. I think this may have explained his "junky cough" and slight pain in the left lower back with chest percussion.


Hi there,
Mucus plugs are extremely common in CF. I cannot begin to count how many or how often Andrew coughs them up..
They can be painful at times, as if he can pinpoint exactly where the plug is so we can focus CPT on that area to knock it loose. Other times, there is no pain and he does not even know he had built up plugs until he coughs them out.
They don't always correspond with exacerbations. Sometimes they just happen.
Plugs can vary in size, color, and consistency. Sometimes they are large and rubbery, sometimes they are small and black, almost looking like dead worms you would find on your driveway. (Gross, I know, but hope it helps! We did not realize the later were plugs until he coughed one up in clinic one day and his RT said, ooh....nice plugs!)
Good luck!


Hi there,
Mucus plugs are extremely common in CF. I cannot begin to count how many or how often Andrew coughs them up..
They can be painful at times, as if he can pinpoint exactly where the plug is so we can focus CPT on that area to knock it loose. Other times, there is no pain and he does not even know he had built up plugs until he coughs them out.
They don't always correspond with exacerbations. Sometimes they just happen.
Plugs can vary in size, color, and consistency. Sometimes they are large and rubbery, sometimes they are small and black, almost looking like dead worms you would find on your driveway. (Gross, I know, but hope it helps! We did not realize the later were plugs until he coughed one up in clinic one day and his RT said, ooh....nice plugs!)
Good luck!


My 8 year old has been dealing with a mucus plug in the past two weeks. A fever three weeks ago lead us to the ER by his ped to get checked out. X-ray showed an infiltrate in his lower right lung, but misdiagnosed as pneumonia. My son was admitted and started IV's. It took 3 days due to a weekend to see two cf drs who diagnosed him with a mucus plug an sent him home. He had another fever which caused his IV's to be extended to two weeks, another x-ray which showed the mucus plug was getting worse. Jack had a bronch last week and the dr tried to flush it out. Hopefully his plug is gone but we are not sure. Through out this time my son has had pft's above 100%, felt well, wasn't coughing much and drs cannot hear anything abnormal in his lung. The theory is that aspergillus caused the plug. What a difficult few weeks though!!
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 10, Jack, 8 both with CF, Grant, 3 and Paige, 1 both without CF


My 8 year old has been dealing with a mucus plug in the past two weeks. A fever three weeks ago lead us to the ER by his ped to get checked out. X-ray showed an infiltrate in his lower right lung, but misdiagnosed as pneumonia. My son was admitted and started IV's. It took 3 days due to a weekend to see two cf drs who diagnosed him with a mucus plug an sent him home. He had another fever which caused his IV's to be extended to two weeks, another x-ray which showed the mucus plug was getting worse. Jack had a bronch last week and the dr tried to flush it out. Hopefully his plug is gone but we are not sure. Through out this time my son has had pft's above 100%, felt well, wasn't coughing much and drs cannot hear anything abnormal in his lung. The theory is that aspergillus caused the plug. What a difficult few weeks though!!
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 10, Jack, 8 both with CF, Grant, 3 and Paige, 1 both without CF


New member
Hi Sharon,
Our situation sounds just like yours. Got a message from Dr. that Justin needs an antibotic because of the culture. Need to call in the am. How did your culture turn out? We were hoping this was all a mistake and maybe he did not have CF, but the realitity is setting in. How old was your son when he was diagnosed? Has he cultured other "things?" This is our first. Not sure what it means.
Hope your son is doing better.


New member
Hi Sharon,
Our situation sounds just like yours. Got a message from Dr. that Justin needs an antibotic because of the culture. Need to call in the am. How did your culture turn out? We were hoping this was all a mistake and maybe he did not have CF, but the realitity is setting in. How old was your son when he was diagnosed? Has he cultured other "things?" This is our first. Not sure what it means.
Hope your son is doing better.