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My 7 year old son had his first bronchoscopy today. He had a pneumonia Feb 11 and one two weeks later. First was bacterial and second viral (we think). CT showed an "infiltrate" in the left lung. Today the only finding was mucus plg (not sure if more than one) in the left lower lung. Is this anyone else has had experience with? Does this happen often? We will wait for culturing to know if he was growing anything in it. We also willbe beginning treatment with vest to avoid further problems. Is this something that is more common with CF kids? Does it happen often?
Thank you again for your help. I think this may have explained his "junky cough" and slight pain in the left lower back with chest percussion.
Thank you again for your help. I think this may have explained his "junky cough" and slight pain in the left lower back with chest percussion.