The only mutation I am aware that I have is Delta F508. Does everyone have more than one mutation? You guys know way more about this stuff than I do. Guess I need to read up more. Most recent PFTs were in the 90's but dont remember exactly. No transplants, no tune ups, no cepacia, nine days od antibiotics in"02 for coughing up blood. Had pneumonia when I was two. I am 26 now and I know if I do not get my butt in gear and exercise more, my PFTs won't be that good next time.
By the way, does it get on anyones nerves when a "healthy" CFer shares their CF experience. I can see why it would, however, for a very young person with CF (and thats what I do, work with children and teenagers) I hope to encourage them. It can be tough and depressing for a young CFer to hear about all this if all they hear is cepacia, transplant, cathaport, TOBI, blood, pseudamonas, etc. I realize that I am fortunate and want other youngsters to be positive about their future. I have got to be getting on Mockingbirds nerves by now so I will stop.
Please dont assume that because I talk a good talk that I havent had my share of troubles with CF and other stuff. Again, for me, having a positive outlook has been one of my strengths (among many many weaknesses).