I will not attempt to play Doctor here but I will talk more to you after your appointment. I will tell you that there are over 1800 known mutations. Given that a CF patient needs 2 mutations (1800X1800) there are over 3.2 million possible combinations. Delta F508 is the most common. Lets say that taking into consideration the combinations of the most common mutations, the real number would be only 10% of the 3.2 million, 320,000 types of CF. Then you consider that twins with the same pair of mutations (same household, food, medical care, etc) react different from each other. You will see that it is impossible to predict how Delta F508 & S489X will react with your daughter.
Your Doctor will tell you about the great drugs that we now have and those in the pipeline. He/She will tell you that with care and nutrition, your daughter can live a long and healthy life.
Lets talk more after the 28th.