my brother's hospital stay


New member
Yesterday morning my brother had to leave work early because he got extremely hot and blacked out. I went home to check on him and he looked really bad, so I tried to get him to go to the ER (our CF doc is 2 hrs away). Well, he wouldn't go. Then around 7 last night he called me to take him to get something to eat (he didn't eat or drink anything yesterday) Well anyways when I got there he looked horrible. His face was sunk in and it looked like he had lost 10 lbs. So I made him go to the ER and they ended up giving him two bags of drip and putting him in until around lunch today. Then today when I went back up there to see him, I bought him a bag of chips and the doctor said something about he didn't need all that salt. I thought that CFers needed extra salt because we loose so much when we sweat. (His clothes were drenched with sweat when I saw him) Is that true or am I just making that up in my head?


New member
Yesterday morning my brother had to leave work early because he got extremely hot and blacked out. I went home to check on him and he looked really bad, so I tried to get him to go to the ER (our CF doc is 2 hrs away). Well, he wouldn't go. Then around 7 last night he called me to take him to get something to eat (he didn't eat or drink anything yesterday) Well anyways when I got there he looked horrible. His face was sunk in and it looked like he had lost 10 lbs. So I made him go to the ER and they ended up giving him two bags of drip and putting him in until around lunch today. Then today when I went back up there to see him, I bought him a bag of chips and the doctor said something about he didn't need all that salt. I thought that CFers needed extra salt because we loose so much when we sweat. (His clothes were drenched with sweat when I saw him) Is that true or am I just making that up in my head?


New member
Yesterday morning my brother had to leave work early because he got extremely hot and blacked out. I went home to check on him and he looked really bad, so I tried to get him to go to the ER (our CF doc is 2 hrs away). Well, he wouldn't go. Then around 7 last night he called me to take him to get something to eat (he didn't eat or drink anything yesterday) Well anyways when I got there he looked horrible. His face was sunk in and it looked like he had lost 10 lbs. So I made him go to the ER and they ended up giving him two bags of drip and putting him in until around lunch today. Then today when I went back up there to see him, I bought him a bag of chips and the doctor said something about he didn't need all that salt. I thought that CFers needed extra salt because we loose so much when we sweat. (His clothes were drenched with sweat when I saw him) Is that true or am I just making that up in my head?


New member
Yesterday morning my brother had to leave work early because he got extremely hot and blacked out. I went home to check on him and he looked really bad, so I tried to get him to go to the ER (our CF doc is 2 hrs away). Well, he wouldn't go. Then around 7 last night he called me to take him to get something to eat (he didn't eat or drink anything yesterday) Well anyways when I got there he looked horrible. His face was sunk in and it looked like he had lost 10 lbs. So I made him go to the ER and they ended up giving him two bags of drip and putting him in until around lunch today. Then today when I went back up there to see him, I bought him a bag of chips and the doctor said something about he didn't need all that salt. I thought that CFers needed extra salt because we loose so much when we sweat. (His clothes were drenched with sweat when I saw him) Is that true or am I just making that up in my head?


New member
Yesterday morning my brother had to leave work early because he got extremely hot and blacked out. I went home to check on him and he looked really bad, so I tried to get him to go to the ER (our CF doc is 2 hrs away). Well, he wouldn't go. Then around 7 last night he called me to take him to get something to eat (he didn't eat or drink anything yesterday) Well anyways when I got there he looked horrible. His face was sunk in and it looked like he had lost 10 lbs. So I made him go to the ER and they ended up giving him two bags of drip and putting him in until around lunch today. Then today when I went back up there to see him, I bought him a bag of chips and the doctor said something about he didn't need all that salt. I thought that CFers needed extra salt because we loose so much when we sweat. (His clothes were drenched with sweat when I saw him) Is that true or am I just making that up in my head?