my cf b/f might have diabetea's


New member
hey,my boyfriend just told me that he might have diabeteas(can't spell that at all)he has cf and now might have this. So i was wondering if anyone can tell me about having diabeteas with cf and will it be a set back and what will he have to do. i don't want to ask my boyfriend these questions yet because he's only just been told and doesn't know how he feels about it yet which is understandable and i've always found this forum a great help for all kinds of questions i need answered that i wouldn't ask him in case i upset him.thanks


New member
From what I know the CF diabetes is a bit different from other forms of diabetes due to the already present problems with the pancreas, the main Insulin producing organ, gland, whatever, of the body. From people I've talked to they merely do their insulin shots and continue to eat what they ate before but they do monitor their levels and such.


New member
That was a good explanation! The pancrease still produces insulin, but has difficultly producing enough or getting it out fast enough. I've had CF related diabetes (CFRD) for about a year and it really hasn't been that big of a change. I had to get used to insulin shots, only when I eat, and checking my blood sugar occasionally. But when you have a normal med routiene, it's easy to get used to. The change has been in my body. I have gained weight, have more energy, I sleep better and My lung function has improved a bit. Tell your boyfriend that it is'nt as bad as it first sounds, and his health will improve once he begins to treat it. I was upset when I was first told. CF patients w/ CFRD can still eat what they want, but the trick is to keep blood sugar normal because high blood sugar prevents absorbtion of food. Let him be upset for a little while, and direct him to this site if he hasn't been here so he can read for himself how people deal w/ CFRD.Debbie22 yr old w/ CF


New member
thanks for your help. so this won't make him worse then. and make him sicker because thats what i'm afriad of. his lung function is down and he feels crap. so will this maybe even perk him up be honest he doesn't know i come to this site. i've been coming here for the last maybe two months and i've learnt so much stuff that i don't want to get into with him just yet as not to upset him and i don't know how he'd feel if i knew i was coming to this site and not just asking him. it stuff about the future that has been most helpful to me. Anymore more information would be brillinat just so for myself i can be there for him and for me to.Thanks you's area all great


New member
Hi, I ave had cf related diabetes for 24 years now, and it isnt as scary as it sounds. Of coars it isnt something to take lightly either. I take long acting insulin once a day, and pretty much eat what i normally would if i werent a diabetic with the exception of not getting to eat it whenever i want. I check my blood sugars a whole lot, maybe 7 times in a day and try to keep a tight control on my blood sugar. It's funny how things seem to settle into a routine for a while and then the routine changes from time to time. When i get sick my blood sugars are higher usually, or if i am under a lot of stress. I also have days where my blood sugars are low all day for days at a time and i require no insulin. Kind of odd, and thats where cf related diabetes differs from regular diabetes. We do still get the same complications as regular diabetics, so its important to try to get as good of control as we can. If your b/f is feeling crappy now a days it might be from the diabetes. Once he gets on some medication he will start feeling better. Untreated diabetes can make you pretty sick. good luck~ Diane / 39 / cf / diabetes / b.cepacia


New member
cheers,thanks for all your help. from what i've read with a routine maybe it might even make him a bit better and perk him up a bit.thanks again.