My Dad!


New member
Hi there my name is Matt and my dad is now nearing his 50th
birthday! He has CF and I was wondering if there was any sites or
places where I could read more about CF and such. He was in the
hospital for the first time last year and that really scared me and
my family. He has never really gotten better since then, and is now
just having to go and get new antibiotics to try and make him feel
better. If there is any sites or something that I missed, maybe I'm
just blind and didn't see it I don't know. All I saw was<br>
Thanks, Matt


New member
Just goes to show our genetic mutation will do things that noone could imagine before. Cool stuff.


New member
Your dad is very fortunate to made it to the age of 50 before his
first hospitalization! I hope he gets better soon. It is possible
that he won't "bounce" all the way back to where he was,
but switching around trying different antibiotics is pretty common,
hopefully they will find one that will work better.<br>
Here are a few web sites that I have found that give out lots of
general CF information -- keep in mind a lot of what you will read
on these web sites might not apply to your dad - everyone with CF
has very different things going on with them -- what you read is
common & general information, not necessarily something that is
or will happen to your dad.<br>



New member
I will second that. Happy Birthday to Matt's Dad big ole Fifty. over the hill for anyone who turns fifty but with CF that is a huge hill. Perhaps over the Mountain


New member
I wish were would be more dads like Matt's it's such a nice thing to hear about CF'er I have CF too and hope to live long as well. I wish it to everyone of you my Friends.Just believe