My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

My daughter, Mariah, has had three surgeries. The first one was M.I. where they placed an ileostomy. The next was to reverse the ileostomy and place her button. She had to get the button because she would only eat about half of her bottles. We finally got to bring her home when she was 6 weeks old. She did great and actually started finishing the majority of her bottles until she developed an adhesion in her small intestine. She was unable to eat for about two weeks so when we tried feeding her again it was a battle and continues to be. She cries when I get near her mouth with the bottle and I think she believes her pacifier is making her tummy full. I don't know if she needs vitamin supplements for her appetite or occupational/speech therapy. Any advice?


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

My daughter, Mariah, has had three surgeries. The first one was M.I. where they placed an ileostomy. The next was to reverse the ileostomy and place her button. She had to get the button because she would only eat about half of her bottles. We finally got to bring her home when she was 6 weeks old. She did great and actually started finishing the majority of her bottles until she developed an adhesion in her small intestine. She was unable to eat for about two weeks so when we tried feeding her again it was a battle and continues to be. She cries when I get near her mouth with the bottle and I think she believes her pacifier is making her tummy full. I don't know if she needs vitamin supplements for her appetite or occupational/speech therapy. Any advice?


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

My daughter, Mariah, has had three surgeries. The first one was M.I. where they placed an ileostomy. The next was to reverse the ileostomy and place her button. She had to get the button because she would only eat about half of her bottles. We finally got to bring her home when she was 6 weeks old. She did great and actually started finishing the majority of her bottles until she developed an adhesion in her small intestine. She was unable to eat for about two weeks so when we tried feeding her again it was a battle and continues to be. She cries when I get near her mouth with the bottle and I think she believes her pacifier is making her tummy full. I don't know if she needs vitamin supplements for her appetite or occupational/speech therapy. Any advice?


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

My daughter, Mariah, has had three surgeries. The first one was M.I. where they placed an ileostomy. The next was to reverse the ileostomy and place her button. She had to get the button because she would only eat about half of her bottles. We finally got to bring her home when she was 6 weeks old. She did great and actually started finishing the majority of her bottles until she developed an adhesion in her small intestine. She was unable to eat for about two weeks so when we tried feeding her again it was a battle and continues to be. She cries when I get near her mouth with the bottle and I think she believes her pacifier is making her tummy full. I don't know if she needs vitamin supplements for her appetite or occupational/speech therapy. Any advice?


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

My daughter, Mariah, has had three surgeries. The first one was M.I. where they placed an ileostomy. The next was to reverse the ileostomy and place her button. She had to get the button because she would only eat about half of her bottles. We finally got to bring her home when she was 6 weeks old. She did great and actually started finishing the majority of her bottles until she developed an adhesion in her small intestine. She was unable to eat for about two weeks so when we tried feeding her again it was a battle and continues to be. She cries when I get near her mouth with the bottle and I think she believes her pacifier is making her tummy full. I don't know if she needs vitamin supplements for her appetite or occupational/speech therapy. Any advice?


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

My daughter went through the same battle. She had MI they had to cut a large amount of bowel out, then the reversal (takedown). That was months later. Through all of this we couldnt feed her on a daily routine. I was heartbroken when i decided to give up pumping breast milk. The only time she would "eat" was when i could nurse. They took that away from us too. Grayson also screamed when we neared her with a bottle. OT/PT worked with her slowly. One thing was they dipped her pacifier in formula. That was the start. They wanted to see if it was the taste or nipple that she didnt like. She was stuck on one nipple only. Try to find a nipple as close to what her pacifier is. We didnt over stress about her eating by mouth. I didn't want her to learn that it was a punishment to eat by mouth. She had lots of bumps in the road. She got her g-tube around Sept 2008 that was her third surgery. After many days and tears and try and try agains she finally did lil at a time. So to make my long story shorter, She was born May 18 2008, stayed in Nationwide Childrens Hospital for 6 months without much to eat by mouth. Today, with her being home and me her fulltime care she drinks almost 3 pediasures a day with a nubby sippy cup. She NEVER drank from a bottle. When we got home she ate from her g-tube 23 hours a day. I am so proud of her, she has worked so hard her first year of life. You can PM me I would be glad to share more.


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

My daughter went through the same battle. She had MI they had to cut a large amount of bowel out, then the reversal (takedown). That was months later. Through all of this we couldnt feed her on a daily routine. I was heartbroken when i decided to give up pumping breast milk. The only time she would "eat" was when i could nurse. They took that away from us too. Grayson also screamed when we neared her with a bottle. OT/PT worked with her slowly. One thing was they dipped her pacifier in formula. That was the start. They wanted to see if it was the taste or nipple that she didnt like. She was stuck on one nipple only. Try to find a nipple as close to what her pacifier is. We didnt over stress about her eating by mouth. I didn't want her to learn that it was a punishment to eat by mouth. She had lots of bumps in the road. She got her g-tube around Sept 2008 that was her third surgery. After many days and tears and try and try agains she finally did lil at a time. So to make my long story shorter, She was born May 18 2008, stayed in Nationwide Childrens Hospital for 6 months without much to eat by mouth. Today, with her being home and me her fulltime care she drinks almost 3 pediasures a day with a nubby sippy cup. She NEVER drank from a bottle. When we got home she ate from her g-tube 23 hours a day. I am so proud of her, she has worked so hard her first year of life. You can PM me I would be glad to share more.


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

My daughter went through the same battle. She had MI they had to cut a large amount of bowel out, then the reversal (takedown). That was months later. Through all of this we couldnt feed her on a daily routine. I was heartbroken when i decided to give up pumping breast milk. The only time she would "eat" was when i could nurse. They took that away from us too. Grayson also screamed when we neared her with a bottle. OT/PT worked with her slowly. One thing was they dipped her pacifier in formula. That was the start. They wanted to see if it was the taste or nipple that she didnt like. She was stuck on one nipple only. Try to find a nipple as close to what her pacifier is. We didnt over stress about her eating by mouth. I didn't want her to learn that it was a punishment to eat by mouth. She had lots of bumps in the road. She got her g-tube around Sept 2008 that was her third surgery. After many days and tears and try and try agains she finally did lil at a time. So to make my long story shorter, She was born May 18 2008, stayed in Nationwide Childrens Hospital for 6 months without much to eat by mouth. Today, with her being home and me her fulltime care she drinks almost 3 pediasures a day with a nubby sippy cup. She NEVER drank from a bottle. When we got home she ate from her g-tube 23 hours a day. I am so proud of her, she has worked so hard her first year of life. You can PM me I would be glad to share more.


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

My daughter went through the same battle. She had MI they had to cut a large amount of bowel out, then the reversal (takedown). That was months later. Through all of this we couldnt feed her on a daily routine. I was heartbroken when i decided to give up pumping breast milk. The only time she would "eat" was when i could nurse. They took that away from us too. Grayson also screamed when we neared her with a bottle. OT/PT worked with her slowly. One thing was they dipped her pacifier in formula. That was the start. They wanted to see if it was the taste or nipple that she didnt like. She was stuck on one nipple only. Try to find a nipple as close to what her pacifier is. We didnt over stress about her eating by mouth. I didn't want her to learn that it was a punishment to eat by mouth. She had lots of bumps in the road. She got her g-tube around Sept 2008 that was her third surgery. After many days and tears and try and try agains she finally did lil at a time. So to make my long story shorter, She was born May 18 2008, stayed in Nationwide Childrens Hospital for 6 months without much to eat by mouth. Today, with her being home and me her fulltime care she drinks almost 3 pediasures a day with a nubby sippy cup. She NEVER drank from a bottle. When we got home she ate from her g-tube 23 hours a day. I am so proud of her, she has worked so hard her first year of life. You can PM me I would be glad to share more.


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

My daughter went through the same battle. She had MI they had to cut a large amount of bowel out, then the reversal (takedown). That was months later. Through all of this we couldnt feed her on a daily routine. I was heartbroken when i decided to give up pumping breast milk. The only time she would "eat" was when i could nurse. They took that away from us too. Grayson also screamed when we neared her with a bottle. OT/PT worked with her slowly. One thing was they dipped her pacifier in formula. That was the start. They wanted to see if it was the taste or nipple that she didnt like. She was stuck on one nipple only. Try to find a nipple as close to what her pacifier is. We didnt over stress about her eating by mouth. I didn't want her to learn that it was a punishment to eat by mouth. She had lots of bumps in the road. She got her g-tube around Sept 2008 that was her third surgery. After many days and tears and try and try agains she finally did lil at a time. So to make my long story shorter, She was born May 18 2008, stayed in Nationwide Childrens Hospital for 6 months without much to eat by mouth. Today, with her being home and me her fulltime care she drinks almost 3 pediasures a day with a nubby sippy cup. She NEVER drank from a bottle. When we got home she ate from her g-tube 23 hours a day. I am so proud of her, she has worked so hard her first year of life. You can PM me I would be glad to share more.


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

It is so nice to know that someome else went through this too. I get so frustrated by it all and somedays just want to runaway, but I know that is not an option. My daughter tries so hard and has been through so much in her short little life. I have decided to stop offering the bottle and just do solids and offer a sippy cup with juice. I am so sorry to hear you were in the hospital for so long, I know the feeling, it is a hopeless one. But thank the lord we got to bring our angels home because not everyone is that lucky. I just try to take one moment, one mealtime, and one day at a time. Thanks so much for your encouragement. Does your daughter eat solids well now? Does she still get formula or pediasure? And also, how do you PM a message?


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

It is so nice to know that someome else went through this too. I get so frustrated by it all and somedays just want to runaway, but I know that is not an option. My daughter tries so hard and has been through so much in her short little life. I have decided to stop offering the bottle and just do solids and offer a sippy cup with juice. I am so sorry to hear you were in the hospital for so long, I know the feeling, it is a hopeless one. But thank the lord we got to bring our angels home because not everyone is that lucky. I just try to take one moment, one mealtime, and one day at a time. Thanks so much for your encouragement. Does your daughter eat solids well now? Does she still get formula or pediasure? And also, how do you PM a message?


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

It is so nice to know that someome else went through this too. I get so frustrated by it all and somedays just want to runaway, but I know that is not an option. My daughter tries so hard and has been through so much in her short little life. I have decided to stop offering the bottle and just do solids and offer a sippy cup with juice. I am so sorry to hear you were in the hospital for so long, I know the feeling, it is a hopeless one. But thank the lord we got to bring our angels home because not everyone is that lucky. I just try to take one moment, one mealtime, and one day at a time. Thanks so much for your encouragement. Does your daughter eat solids well now? Does she still get formula or pediasure? And also, how do you PM a message?


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

It is so nice to know that someome else went through this too. I get so frustrated by it all and somedays just want to runaway, but I know that is not an option. My daughter tries so hard and has been through so much in her short little life. I have decided to stop offering the bottle and just do solids and offer a sippy cup with juice. I am so sorry to hear you were in the hospital for so long, I know the feeling, it is a hopeless one. But thank the lord we got to bring our angels home because not everyone is that lucky. I just try to take one moment, one mealtime, and one day at a time. Thanks so much for your encouragement. Does your daughter eat solids well now? Does she still get formula or pediasure? And also, how do you PM a message?


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

It is so nice to know that someome else went through this too. I get so frustrated by it all and somedays just want to runaway, but I know that is not an option. My daughter tries so hard and has been through so much in her short little life. I have decided to stop offering the bottle and just do solids and offer a sippy cup with juice. I am so sorry to hear you were in the hospital for so long, I know the feeling, it is a hopeless one. But thank the lord we got to bring our angels home because not everyone is that lucky. I just try to take one moment, one mealtime, and one day at a time. Thanks so much for your encouragement. Does your daughter eat solids well now? Does she still get formula or pediasure? And also, how do you PM a message?


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

Graycie loves all sweet food. Which helps get some calories in her. She eats lots of yobaby yogurt. Loves cheese, bread with cream cheese, and grilled cheese. She likes pancakes and waffles, mashed potatoes. So yea, she has jumped started and is eager to try it. We have to be careful cuz if she don't like it or isnt in the mood to try new food we will gag and throw up. She is drinking pediasure and we are trialing Kids Boost 1.5cal. She likes that also. If she gets to her goal then we won't be feeding at nite. That would be wonderful since in morning she explodes and poop is everywhere. But, thats another story. Good luck to you! Its nice to know we aren't alone. I look forward sharing ideas with you in the future.


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

Graycie loves all sweet food. Which helps get some calories in her. She eats lots of yobaby yogurt. Loves cheese, bread with cream cheese, and grilled cheese. She likes pancakes and waffles, mashed potatoes. So yea, she has jumped started and is eager to try it. We have to be careful cuz if she don't like it or isnt in the mood to try new food we will gag and throw up. She is drinking pediasure and we are trialing Kids Boost 1.5cal. She likes that also. If she gets to her goal then we won't be feeding at nite. That would be wonderful since in morning she explodes and poop is everywhere. But, thats another story. Good luck to you! Its nice to know we aren't alone. I look forward sharing ideas with you in the future.


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

Graycie loves all sweet food. Which helps get some calories in her. She eats lots of yobaby yogurt. Loves cheese, bread with cream cheese, and grilled cheese. She likes pancakes and waffles, mashed potatoes. So yea, she has jumped started and is eager to try it. We have to be careful cuz if she don't like it or isnt in the mood to try new food we will gag and throw up. She is drinking pediasure and we are trialing Kids Boost 1.5cal. She likes that also. If she gets to her goal then we won't be feeding at nite. That would be wonderful since in morning she explodes and poop is everywhere. But, thats another story. Good luck to you! Its nice to know we aren't alone. I look forward sharing ideas with you in the future.


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

Graycie loves all sweet food. Which helps get some calories in her. She eats lots of yobaby yogurt. Loves cheese, bread with cream cheese, and grilled cheese. She likes pancakes and waffles, mashed potatoes. So yea, she has jumped started and is eager to try it. We have to be careful cuz if she don't like it or isnt in the mood to try new food we will gag and throw up. She is drinking pediasure and we are trialing Kids Boost 1.5cal. She likes that also. If she gets to her goal then we won't be feeding at nite. That would be wonderful since in morning she explodes and poop is everywhere. But, thats another story. Good luck to you! Its nice to know we aren't alone. I look forward sharing ideas with you in the future.


New member
My daughter is five months old and has a mickey button. She will eat some solids, but refuses her bottle. Any advice?

Graycie loves all sweet food. Which helps get some calories in her. She eats lots of yobaby yogurt. Loves cheese, bread with cream cheese, and grilled cheese. She likes pancakes and waffles, mashed potatoes. So yea, she has jumped started and is eager to try it. We have to be careful cuz if she don't like it or isnt in the mood to try new food we will gag and throw up. She is drinking pediasure and we are trialing Kids Boost 1.5cal. She likes that also. If she gets to her goal then we won't be feeding at nite. That would be wonderful since in morning she explodes and poop is everywhere. But, thats another story. Good luck to you! Its nice to know we aren't alone. I look forward sharing ideas with you in the future.