My Fundraiser Was A Success!!! :)


New member
Just wanted to let everyone know that my fundraiser was a success. I started fundraising in march to purchase the last benefit held on Sat night. I DID IT!!!! I raised over $12,000 cdn!!!!!
For those of you who do not know me...I live in Canada and the insurance companies/govermnet will not pay for the vest. I'll be placing my order tomorrow morning! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I started by writing a general letter explaining who I am, what cf is, why we need chest physio. Then I explained the vest and explained how I will benefit from the vest. I mailed and emailed my letter to everyone I know.....asked them to forward it. Then I approached many business here in the city asking for a cash donation or a product that I can sell as a prize.
Eventually word got around and I had an article posted in the news paper.....SO many people responded to my needs and supported me just from that article alone!
So I had cash donations from family, friends, strangers and business. Then I had tons of stuff donated to me that I could use to sell tickets on. For an example....we had framed prints, homemade quilts, liquor, wine, clothing, gift certificates for hair salons, gas, resturants, massages, hotels, make up products.....list goes on and on.
On Sat night I held a dance....we supplied a DJ, excellent bar prices, food and displayed all the prizes. Then we sold tickets on the prizes, drank, danced and had an awesome time!!!!!


New member
That is fantastic. I got goosebumps to hear how people came out in support for you! I hope you get lots of heatlhy use out of it!


New member
What great news!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Not only did you raise enough money to purchase the Vest but you help educate the public about CF while doing it. Congratulations on a job well done. Let us know how you like using the Vest after you try it for a bit.


Digital opinion leader
$12,000? Wow Good for you! SOunds like you had tons of support AND had fun too.


New member
That is great! I am so excited for you. It truly is amazing how people come together to help each other out. That is an amazing feat though ... $12000. CONGRATS! and I agree with Melissa I hope you get tons of good use from it.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Jennie</b></i>

Just wanted to let everyone know that my fundraiser was a success. I started fundraising in march to purchase the last benefit held on Sat night. I DID IT!!!! I raised over $12,000 cdn!!!!!
For those of you who do not know me...I live in Canada and the insurance companies/govermnet will not pay for the vest. I'll be placing my order tomorrow morning! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

GREAT news. That's so sad that your healthcare system wont' pay for it...


New member
Jennie, I knew the minute I saw the title of this post that it was from you! I'm so happy to hear it was such a success for you!

Now, this probably goes without saying but just out of curiosity have you enlisted the support of your cf care team to do some monitoring on your use of the vest, some baseline chest X rays and CT scans? THen maybe redo them at intervals, see how the vest is helping to keep your lungs clearer than with manual physio.
I think you could be really insturmental in sparking more interest in Canada for the vest... just an idea

What vest company are you going with? is it Hill-rom? I'm just being nosey but also wanted to say that they get a LOT of free advertisement here. I'd love to see them on this site like Pari came onboard to answer questions about the vest, study information... Maybe you, someone who is purchasing a vest and is a member of this site can remind them of that. I emailed them a few weeks back asking them if they would ever be able to answer questions from this site as the vest comes up all the time, but I have yet to hear back from them.

Anyways... sorry for wandering off <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Big huge congrats to you!!!


New member
I'll be ordering from Hill Rom. My clinic will be doing a case study on me to show how the vest will give me a better quality of life, increase my pft, less hospital admissions, and so on.....then they hope to present the case to someone in goverment. Hopefully something can come of this someday.
On the other hand....I do respect my provincial goverment very much. I have never had to pay for anything such as my meds, nebs, equipment, hospital time, home iv, etc.....This is the first time I ever had to make purchase in 25 years!
The fundraiser was worth the time and energy!


New member
That was me, forgot to log in.

~ 25 CF/CFRD
"Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get" - The Tragically Hip


New member
Way to go, you will love your vest! I got my vest from a fundraiser as well. On the news the night they showed an elementary student in Edmonton who's school raised $12,000 for her vest.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

I'll be ordering from Hill Rom. My clinic will be doing a case study on me to show how the vest will give me a better quality of life, increase my pft, less hospital admissions, and so on.....then they hope to present the case to someone in goverment. Hopefully something can come of this someday.

On the other hand....I do respect my provincial goverment very much. I have never had to pay for anything such as my meds, nebs, equipment, hospital time, home iv, etc.....This is the first time I ever had to make purchase in 25 years!

The fundraiser was worth the time and energy!</end quote></div>

That is amazing! Way to go! I hope they can use the results from you using the vest to change their current supporting habits. How awesome would that be. Way to be proactive. Love it.


New member

From the sounds of it you guys in canada have a wonderful health system. Absolutely amazing. I completely understand what you are saying. I'm very glad to hear that your clinic will be doing a study. I think this will be great and you could potentially open the door for many others in canada who will thank you some day! I'm so glad to hear that you got this for yourself!!!!

You ought to be so proud!