My granddaughter Ella was diagnosed with CF when she was 3 days old, we have been doing the enzymes, vitamins, salt, prevacid, albuteral nebulizer, and percussion treatments with the palm cup. She has now cultured out a MRSA staph and is on Bactrim and Gentamyacin with the nebulizer. Is it common for someone so young to get MRSA and any advice on how to prevent the infections? Her mother, my daughter is a single mom, and trys her best to keep everything clean, etc. but also I feel that Ella has been exposed to more people than I would like to see. Any other grandmas out there having a hard time letting go....I am only the grandma, not the mother, but can not stop worrying, or giving my advice...or criticism. Any advice on what kind of vest would be best, and how young we could start using that. I don't feel like Ellas mother or myself for that matter do the best job with the palm cup, and it is very time consuming for her mother who is also trying to work to support the 2 of them...Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. This grandma is feeling overwhelmed with worry and concern.