My sister was admitted yesterday...


New member
Hi Everyone,

This was not unexpected but sudden all at the same time. She is 23 w/CF and diabetic. She had only been in the hospital once when she was 9 for a minor cleanout. As a matter of fact, she was always the "more mild" one out of the two of us. I usually am in the hospital for my lungs every 2 years.

Anyway, we had a Christmas dinner, and no one knew if she or her husband was even going to show up. Well, they did, but it was quite visible that she wasn't feeling well. She had many coughing fits where she lacked the ability to catch her breath and excused herself from the room. Her husband told us that she had an appointment January 8th.

Well, she didn't make it to January 8th...I got a phone call yesterday that she was being taken down to the hospital to be admitted. On admission, her fingertips and toes were blue, and she was coughing and near choking to catch her breath. Her O2 was 85%, blood sugar 400, and coughing up blood and mucus for the first time. I don't know what her FEV1 was but can only imagine. She also is VERY THIN. She told the nurse that she didn't know what happened. That she was always good, but all of a sudden she was tired all the time and had problems breathing. (All these observations are by my parents by the way.)

She gave a sputum culture so we'll see can someone deteriote (sp?) so quickly? I may be in and out of the hospital, but I've NEVER been that sick at least not yet. She's really bad isn't she? I'm guessing her FEV1 is below 50. How? This is so sudden...


New member
Hi Everyone,

This was not unexpected but sudden all at the same time. She is 23 w/CF and diabetic. She had only been in the hospital once when she was 9 for a minor cleanout. As a matter of fact, she was always the "more mild" one out of the two of us. I usually am in the hospital for my lungs every 2 years.

Anyway, we had a Christmas dinner, and no one knew if she or her husband was even going to show up. Well, they did, but it was quite visible that she wasn't feeling well. She had many coughing fits where she lacked the ability to catch her breath and excused herself from the room. Her husband told us that she had an appointment January 8th.

Well, she didn't make it to January 8th...I got a phone call yesterday that she was being taken down to the hospital to be admitted. On admission, her fingertips and toes were blue, and she was coughing and near choking to catch her breath. Her O2 was 85%, blood sugar 400, and coughing up blood and mucus for the first time. I don't know what her FEV1 was but can only imagine. She also is VERY THIN. She told the nurse that she didn't know what happened. That she was always good, but all of a sudden she was tired all the time and had problems breathing. (All these observations are by my parents by the way.)

She gave a sputum culture so we'll see can someone deteriote (sp?) so quickly? I may be in and out of the hospital, but I've NEVER been that sick at least not yet. She's really bad isn't she? I'm guessing her FEV1 is below 50. How? This is so sudden...


New member
Hi Everyone,

This was not unexpected but sudden all at the same time. She is 23 w/CF and diabetic. She had only been in the hospital once when she was 9 for a minor cleanout. As a matter of fact, she was always the "more mild" one out of the two of us. I usually am in the hospital for my lungs every 2 years.

Anyway, we had a Christmas dinner, and no one knew if she or her husband was even going to show up. Well, they did, but it was quite visible that she wasn't feeling well. She had many coughing fits where she lacked the ability to catch her breath and excused herself from the room. Her husband told us that she had an appointment January 8th.

Well, she didn't make it to January 8th...I got a phone call yesterday that she was being taken down to the hospital to be admitted. On admission, her fingertips and toes were blue, and she was coughing and near choking to catch her breath. Her O2 was 85%, blood sugar 400, and coughing up blood and mucus for the first time. I don't know what her FEV1 was but can only imagine. She also is VERY THIN. She told the nurse that she didn't know what happened. That she was always good, but all of a sudden she was tired all the time and had problems breathing. (All these observations are by my parents by the way.)

She gave a sputum culture so we'll see can someone deteriote (sp?) so quickly? I may be in and out of the hospital, but I've NEVER been that sick at least not yet. She's really bad isn't she? I'm guessing her FEV1 is below 50. How? This is so sudden...


New member
Hi Everyone,

This was not unexpected but sudden all at the same time. She is 23 w/CF and diabetic. She had only been in the hospital once when she was 9 for a minor cleanout. As a matter of fact, she was always the "more mild" one out of the two of us. I usually am in the hospital for my lungs every 2 years.

Anyway, we had a Christmas dinner, and no one knew if she or her husband was even going to show up. Well, they did, but it was quite visible that she wasn't feeling well. She had many coughing fits where she lacked the ability to catch her breath and excused herself from the room. Her husband told us that she had an appointment January 8th.

Well, she didn't make it to January 8th...I got a phone call yesterday that she was being taken down to the hospital to be admitted. On admission, her fingertips and toes were blue, and she was coughing and near choking to catch her breath. Her O2 was 85%, blood sugar 400, and coughing up blood and mucus for the first time. I don't know what her FEV1 was but can only imagine. She also is VERY THIN. She told the nurse that she didn't know what happened. That she was always good, but all of a sudden she was tired all the time and had problems breathing. (All these observations are by my parents by the way.)

She gave a sputum culture so we'll see can someone deteriote (sp?) so quickly? I may be in and out of the hospital, but I've NEVER been that sick at least not yet. She's really bad isn't she? I'm guessing her FEV1 is below 50. How? This is so sudden...


New member
Hi Everyone,

This was not unexpected but sudden all at the same time. She is 23 w/CF and diabetic. She had only been in the hospital once when she was 9 for a minor cleanout. As a matter of fact, she was always the "more mild" one out of the two of us. I usually am in the hospital for my lungs every 2 years.

Anyway, we had a Christmas dinner, and no one knew if she or her husband was even going to show up. Well, they did, but it was quite visible that she wasn't feeling well. She had many coughing fits where she lacked the ability to catch her breath and excused herself from the room. Her husband told us that she had an appointment January 8th.

Well, she didn't make it to January 8th...I got a phone call yesterday that she was being taken down to the hospital to be admitted. On admission, her fingertips and toes were blue, and she was coughing and near choking to catch her breath. Her O2 was 85%, blood sugar 400, and coughing up blood and mucus for the first time. I don't know what her FEV1 was but can only imagine. She also is VERY THIN. She told the nurse that she didn't know what happened. That she was always good, but all of a sudden she was tired all the time and had problems breathing. (All these observations are by my parents by the way.)

She gave a sputum culture so we'll see can someone deteriote (sp?) so quickly? I may be in and out of the hospital, but I've NEVER been that sick at least not yet. She's really bad isn't she? I'm guessing her FEV1 is below 50. How? This is so sudden...


New member
I am so sorry to hear this!

It can happen quickly. I think when you are going thru it that you know its happening, but you dont know how quickly or how serious it is until its quiet bad.

Now that she is getting the might be surprised how she bounces back. Tho dont expect it to be immediate.



New member
I am so sorry to hear this!

It can happen quickly. I think when you are going thru it that you know its happening, but you dont know how quickly or how serious it is until its quiet bad.

Now that she is getting the might be surprised how she bounces back. Tho dont expect it to be immediate.



New member
I am so sorry to hear this!

It can happen quickly. I think when you are going thru it that you know its happening, but you dont know how quickly or how serious it is until its quiet bad.

Now that she is getting the might be surprised how she bounces back. Tho dont expect it to be immediate.



New member
I am so sorry to hear this!

It can happen quickly. I think when you are going thru it that you know its happening, but you dont know how quickly or how serious it is until its quiet bad.

Now that she is getting the might be surprised how she bounces back. Tho dont expect it to be immediate.



New member
I am so sorry to hear this!

It can happen quickly. I think when you are going thru it that you know its happening, but you dont know how quickly or how serious it is until its quiet bad.

Now that she is getting the might be surprised how she bounces back. Tho dont expect it to be immediate.



New member
It can snowball you all of a sudden like that. And if you've never been there, you don't know the signs of it coming. I learned that one the hard way too. I didn't realize how bad I was feeling until I went on IVs for the first time and started feeling so much better.

I hope she gets back on her feet soon!


New member
It can snowball you all of a sudden like that. And if you've never been there, you don't know the signs of it coming. I learned that one the hard way too. I didn't realize how bad I was feeling until I went on IVs for the first time and started feeling so much better.

I hope she gets back on her feet soon!


New member
It can snowball you all of a sudden like that. And if you've never been there, you don't know the signs of it coming. I learned that one the hard way too. I didn't realize how bad I was feeling until I went on IVs for the first time and started feeling so much better.

I hope she gets back on her feet soon!


New member
It can snowball you all of a sudden like that. And if you've never been there, you don't know the signs of it coming. I learned that one the hard way too. I didn't realize how bad I was feeling until I went on IVs for the first time and started feeling so much better.

I hope she gets back on her feet soon!


New member
It can snowball you all of a sudden like that. And if you've never been there, you don't know the signs of it coming. I learned that one the hard way too. I didn't realize how bad I was feeling until I went on IVs for the first time and started feeling so much better.

I hope she gets back on her feet soon!