My Tansplant Web Site With PICS!!!


New member
I am roughly about 2 1/2 months post Lung Transplant. I have made a detailed web site going through the whole thing with PICS.

Anybody who wants to check it out is more then welcome. I made it to aid others etc..

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
Hey Kyle! We are Astro fans too! (Husbands from Houston) Thanks for sharing with us hope everything continues to go well for you.

Edited to add: We will watch you on the 2nd! How exciting!


New member
Hi Kyle

I enjoyed viewing your website. How beautiful all the pictures are. Congrats on your transplant and your marriage. When you get a chance visit us and share your website at <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
read about me there


New member
I just read your whole journal... You are truly blessed with such a great wife and a wonderful gift of new lungs. I smiled so much reading your wifes updates, especially her calling you a show off because you wanted to do extra laps, one more then they wanted. I am the same way. It is amazing your whole journey and I am glad I got to read it.

I hope you breath free for the rest of your life,



Digital opinion leader
Your site is fascinating, thank for sharing your details. You look great, hope you continue to be strong.


New member
Job Well Done Kyle & Family!!!
Stay strong and thank you SO much for sharing your journey. It really meant alot for me to be able to read it.


New member
thank you so much for this site! We are in the process of waiting right now and it is nice to be able to see the process ahead of time, especially with positive results!


New member
Everbody you see in the pic are of my site did very well. It is really fun to see how well these people did after their transplants. There were roughly 5 CF paitents going through this with me.

One man was 65 with CF getting his first transplant. 65!! that is awesome and he is doing well.


New member
Thankyou so much for sharing your special story. It was fantastic, and great to see your postive recovery.
I hope you stay well for many years to come, with a great family like that i'm sure you will.

Take care Eli


New member
You guys have been very supportive. I have been looking at this site for a long time. I just really never had anything good to post.


New member

I sent an e-mail to my mother-in-law. They will be at the Astros game on June 2. They are HUGE Astro fans. They ALWAYS have season tickets.


Also wanted to say.......

My daughter was also born on Feb. 14.........Valentine's Day babies!


New member
Kyle - thanks for sharing, I loved your site! I'm from Houston and see Dr. Katz (Carolyn, Suzanne, etc.) as well! It was so cool to hear you mention them in your updates section, but maybe I'm just a dork like that. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> So good to hear that you received your transplant too - awesome!!



New member
Dear Kyle,

Wow, Congrats on your new lungs. I loved your website. I myself and getting ready to get evaluated for a transplant. I am 23 and been married almost 2 years. Thanks for all the information and pictures on your website, it really helps to calm your nerves when you hear someone elses success story. What's it like to take your first real full breath? I think all C.F's dream about that moment and feeling at least once in there lives.
Continue the great success. God Bless you and your wife!!!!!


New member
I know what you mean. I can only speak for myself but, the very first breath for me was about the same. This really took me by surprise. I was thinking I would instantly have a high FEV1. My FEV1 2 days after transplat was not that high (better then my CF Lungs.) As the days progressed my FEV1 increased. I was told it may take 6 months to one year till you reach full capacity. But you will breath better in days. I am sure this is an individual thing. The harder you work post transplat the more you expand your lungs.

I can also tell you that you have to learn to cough again. This was tought but I promiss you will get the hang of it in no time.