My son is 22 yrs old. Diagnosed at 4 yrs old. Heath was maintained until about age 16. After several years of battling weight loss and frequent I.V. meds. CF dr recommended Nissan Fundleplication and g-tube. At the time of surgery he weighed 140 ( 6 ft tall) pft around 32. Since that surgery 2008, he has been extremely ill. He does nightly tube feeds, he cannot gain weight (weights 104-110) bloating & nauseous daily, cannot vomit due to surgery but long bouts of retching daily, developed gluten intolerence/celiac disease. He has tried every medication nothing helps. He lives on phenergan. His pft have been anywhere from 30 down to 13. He is a fighter but at the same time very worn down from all the sickness. We have been to the two CF centers, several gastroenterologist and they are clueless. Something is not right, anyone been down this road?