Not Exactly Baby Fever...
I haven't had any pregnancies or miscarriages, so I am unable to relate in that sense, but I know how you feel about the other. Kurt and I have decided that we are not going to have kids. We talked about it and he feels oddly about adopting and I do not want to have children naturally. I feel odd when I talk to my friends and family that are my age and see them marrying and becoming pregnant and having kids. It almost makes me feel "behind", like something is wrong with me for not pursuing parenthood, even though we are not ever going to have kids.
Sometimes it make me doubt our decision, but I always sit and think about it and decide that I would rather be surrounded by friends and family and share in the joy of their kids - and be able to give them back lol - rather than have my own.
Kind of funny you posted this cause I was just thinking of this a few days ago when I found out yet another friend of mine from high school was pregnant. That discovery came at the end of several months of births and announcements like you mentioned you have experienced.