maggie has been complaining alot about feeling nauseaus. She has had no vomiting. She is not sick; no medication changes. Her wieght is good. in fact, she was I think around 60 pounds . She has not been sick lately, knock wood. But she complains of feeling nauseaus especially when doing the VEST(usually she's just fine).. She also complains at school so they send her to the nurse, and Maggie gets to come home. At first i thought maybe she was comstipated; but now I'm not so sure. My FIL just passed away and my husband has been away for over 2 weeks dealing with stuff prior to his death. So take your pick; is it emotional? CF related ? Just kid stuff? Her enzymes have not been adjusted for along time and Maggie does truly seem uncomfortable with the nausea; she loves school so it's not that she doesn't want to be there. I can't figure this out. Oh, also she had her 2nd swine flu vaccine a few days ago...Hopefully I'll figure this one out.