nebulizers and inhalers?


New member
here's my problem. i dont have much time in the mornings to do my treatments, so i was wondering about portable nebulizers(that plug into car ciggertte lighter). are they okay for CFers to use and if so does anyone use them.
Also i wanted to know if anyone takes albuteral in an inhaler instead of the nebulizer and if so, do you still have to do it both ways or is the inhaler fine by itself?


New member
The pari Trek is awesome. I haven't used it yet in the car, but I plan on it if what i'm attempting to do comes to fruition.


New member
I personally dont do the inhaler vs neb, but many people do & hopefully they will post. I also know of people that do at least some of their nebs in the car. If I remember right JennifersHope did her Tobi in the car because of her schedule & distant needed to drive. Dont worry you will get good feedback!


New member
i love the PARI TREK as well.

as for the albuterol inhaler, i used to use it twice a day. now i neb it but only to balance out the hypertonic saline. otherwise i just use it as needed. it was fine doing it as an inhaler, though. might want to keep some AQ on hand for when you get sick though.



New member
I don't think Tobi can be used with the Pari Trek. We've used our regular pari proneb on road trips with a power inverter (cigarrette lighter outlet) for tobi and it's worked great. Liza


New member
I use albuterol only in an inhaler. Only tried the neb once or twice and didnt like it.....................


New member
Since I use the Pari eFlow, I do inhale a bit more often, because its so small, quiet and fast. You can take it with you if you want and I think also use in the car (never tried that)
